Life Is Probably Out There, Scientists Think

by Satanus 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus


    The satelite senses infrared light coming from 420 light yrs away. That means that that light has been traveling through space for 420 yrs.

    identify what kind of organic chemical

    I believe that the mechanism is something like the following: each element has its own spectrum of light that it reflects. You can see those colors if you break it up the light w a prism. I would think that working w infrared light would be similar to working w white light. Perhaps someone who knows more could fill it in, or research it.

    The infrared-sensing eyes of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope made the latest discovery.
    Infrared light penetrates dust, allowing astronomers to see into dusty areas. Spitzer - launched last August - can image these areas with unprecedented clarity and detail.

    Organic compounds are simply those that contain carbon. Inorganic is all of the others. Life is carbon based. That's why scientists are intersted in this.


  • talesin
    Life is carbon based.

    Interesting point. But that is only 'life as we know it'. Just a thought , and one of the points I have pondered.

    Is our definition of 'life' the only one that matters?

    (deep thoughts)


  • Satanus



    Couldn't they just tune them out. I mean they are practically nothing, really. Or, maybe they are amused at the rumbunctous kids playing next door. We don't wipe out birds because they sing, or dogs because they bark. I havn't blown up any radio stations that play rap.


  • Eyebrow2

    it is funny, but I read a book called 'Alien Impact' several years ago, it was when I was starting to think "outside the KH".

    It made quite an impression on me because it opened up a lot of new ideas that I had never thought of been allowed to think of before.

    I think a lot of it is bs, but still, you never know...I do believe in life on other planets...just don't know what form it takes. Plants are life, bacteria is life, there is a lot of possibilities.

    I like that one South Park episode where they discover that the earth is just a reality show where the aliens put all these life forms from different planets together to see what would happen. veyry funny.

  • patio34

    Hi SS,

    I didn't loosely quote that correctly. Diamond's meaning was that we would be exploited by a superior race just as humans have done to each other. Even enslaved other races at times. His point was not to let other life forms know we're here.


  • Satanus


    Interesting. That could be. The exploitation could be psychic, as well. Let's say that violence and war feeds them. Wierd, yes? Based on some wierd stories i read, one of them a drug story. Wilhelm riech thought that ufos are 'dumping' on the earth, and that that is causing the deserts.


  • gumby
    Man o man those atheists will stop at nothing with these fantastic explanations . bastard! This isn't an attack on Christianity, but a quest for other life existing outside of this planet. Yes, many explanations are vague and supposed, but that's how learning begins.

    As for "fantastic explanations," the bible has a few of it's own on life and how it began and how it's headed.

    *gives heathen 20 strokes with a flogging whip*


  • Satanus


    Man o man those atheists will stop at nothing with these fantastic explanations

    This all says nothing about whether there is a god or not. He could be out there, somewhere, sitting on his toilet, watching us w amusement. Anyhow, these are scientific/hypothetical explorations. That's how progress is made. If people didn't do this, we would still be in the dark ages, burning witches and whipping slaves.

    S not an atheist

  • heathen

    gumby --- I'm not a christian . I do think the bible explanation is as good as any tho . I just don't like religion . That stuff in the evolution theory is way too far fetched for me . I mean they can't be serious with the comet seeding the earth theory . If that's the best they can do then this whole thing is a waste of time and money . We know there is life on the other side of this planet that is starving to death and they do nothing , so what's the friggen point ?

    satanus-- I think people have found other reasons to kill , who needs witches ? As far as slaves go there are still plenty of countries that indulge in that . I think God is sitting on a toilet called earth .

  • gumby
    I do think the bible explanation is as good as any tho

    The bibles explanation of creation copies older myths.....why is it good?


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