Bulger killers release - just?

by digderidoo 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • qwerty

    I think that it was Logical that said.......

    The 2 killers were convicted and sentenced for their crimes. They have completed that sentence now.
    Yes what they did was evil, but they do deserve a second chance. They have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives.

    If people are unwilling to accept that they have repented, and refuse to give them a second chance, then quite simply, they are bad people.

    He who is without sin, cast the first stone...

    I think if we are still Christians or want to live by Christ's teachings, we have to agree with Logical here.

    It's confession time, at 10 years old, two friends & I were caught shop lifting from major outlets in our town we had been doing this for weeks. After been shown the local police prison, having a good telling off and suffering the shame of been put on probation, from then on I never stole again, I didn't want to steel again. In fact one of the conditions of been totally forgiven and given a clean record by the time we reach 16yrs was to keep out of trouble.

    The reason we gave the police, for steeling, was that we did not get enough pocket money and we had seen people getting away with it on TV. I know the pocket money thing was true but seeing it on TV was just a childish excuse. Looking back TV and the bad association thing must have played a part.

    Yes there is a big difference between murder and shoplifting. However has a Child I realised that we were doing something bad. I think we got a thrill from it too, it was done for a laugh and we didn't think we would be caught.

    Some JW friends were talking about how in Israel's time murderers would have been stoned to death. My JW Father in Law (Elders) said he would be the first there with a rock, if his son had done the same thing as the child murderers! I don't think kid's were judged differently either (correct me if I am wrong!) I guess in for my crime I would have had my hands chopped off.

    It got me thinking about how unchristian in their thinking JW's can be. JW's keep going back to the Mosaic Law when, has supposed Christians they should practice forgiveness. Do they really have God's spirit or have their mind set been left behind and not move on still think they are under Law.

    Logical quoted Jesus "He who is without sin, cast the first stone...."

    We can only debate this subject but, in the end we have to leave it in the hands of the professionals. They have done their examinations into the boy's mental condition etc; we have not, but can only go on second hand info of miss info.


    I just thought! How would I have been able to type this with no hands!

  • Abaddon

    Aw, Roaming Feline, I'm sorry if I insulted you.

    It seems to have stopped you engaging in the goddamn debate and answering the questions I raised, resorting to petulant quasi-humourous "I'll go fuck off now".

    Does this mean that you are genuinely insulted, or that you are made uncomfortable by the questions I raised and are just drawing a line in the sand to defend?

    Let's look at what I said (regarding the 'fuck off' bit), and see if you actually get it.

    Of course, you might not believe in rehabilitation, or redemption, or forgiveness. You might believe in doing them to their death or locking them up forever. In that case, fuck off. We are obviously not going to agree.

    So, the above sentences say if you do not believe in rehabilitation, redemption, forgiveness, and instead believe in perpetual incarseration or capital punishment, you can go copulate with yourself in a fashion that increases the distance between us, as we obviously do not have common ground on which we can agree.

    Oh, how dreadful of me. NOT.

    I stand by that statement. If that is your attitude, fuck off. Why should I want to agree with someone who doesn't believe in three cardinal human qualities but prefers vengence? To agree with people like that would require me to compromise my own values.

    I spent long enough compromising my values in the dubs, I'll be damned if I'll do it for the sake of your feelings.

    I don't have to agree with you, you don't have to agree with me, and I have a complete right to assert how I find the attitude described above repugnant, just as you can characterise my attitude any way you wish.

    Deal with it RF. Note that I do emotively address the issue and characterise my attitude towards people holding it, while at the same time presenting reasons why I hold this opinion and illustrative examples.

    You just get sniffy because I think the attitudes I described in the above quote to be contemptable. It's okay for you and your attitudinal kith and kin to have your spittle-flecked rants about those evil killer children (oh, wonderful, a nice neat box to put an uncomfortable thin)g, but I can't say your attitude sucks. Grow up. Oh, and yeah, that was ad hominum, don'tcha just love it?

    You don't actually engage in the debate, you come up with thought stoppers like "I'm not going to sit here and write five pages of argumentation just because YOU talk too much and say so little" and "You and JanG can go feed milk and cookies to the good little kiddies who are just "misunderstood" until they kill their next innocent victim". I call 'em thought stoppers because they show you are not engaging in the debate.

    The last one, about "misunderstood", is especially amusing as I never even said that - I said if you (non-specific plural) or I were bought up the same way and were in the same situation, it is a conceit to imagine we would be different.

    Well, fine, stop yourself going places your psyche finds uncomfortable, just don't try to dress it up, as your Emperor has no clothes.

  • reagan_oconnor
    They will live in fear of anyone uncovering their identities.

    Good. They should suffer every day for the rest of their (hopefully) very short lives, just as that child suffered, and just as his parents continue to suffer every single day.

    Jan, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your grandchild. If I had my way, first offense drunk driving would be charged as felony assault with a deadly weapon, minimum sentence of 3 years in prison. There is no excuse for such irresponsiblity. I've known too many people who have lost loved ones to 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th+ time offenders.

    I absolutely cannot feel any sympathy for these two monsters. I hope they can never sleep again, from fear and loathing.

    "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."

  • trevor


    Your have conveniently missed the point I raised concerning your personality traits. Here you are foaming at the mouth and telling people to fuck of.

    When people like you find their little boy has been tortured to death, they are not the type to show the forgiveness and tolerance that you are demanding, for all the criminals in the world. You are just spitting out words to vent your anger. Your whole demeanour shows a dislike for people. I do not for one moment believe that you are as compassionate and tolerant as you make out.

    You come across as a short-tempered, foul mouthed, self opinionated, nutter.
    Of course I could be wrong, in which case you eagerness to forgive all criminals and murderers, due to the circumstances of their own lives, can be extended to me.

    You can demonstrate that great tolerance that you profess to have by politely thanking me for sharing my opinion with you.

  • digderidoo
    Sorry to tell you this, but if you'd grown up in Jon Venables shoes, you would have probably done the same thing.

    Abaddon, you cannot say that. Just because he grew up the way he did doesn't turn him into a murderer. Somewhere in the world others grew up the same way and learned to deal with their experiences.

    But, you seem incapable of accepting the fact that these little boys were as human as you or I. It obviously disturbs you, as it doesn't fit in the nice safe box of humanity.

    I have never said that these boys were less human than you or I.

    When you say that it doesn't fit into the nice safe box of humanity, you are hitting on my point. I could turn the same statement on to you, because you are looking for an excuse as to why they committed this terrible crime. You want to accept that this pattern of behaviour is normal, given their circumstances. I do not accept this line of thought. What they did was a cold, callous act. What made them do it?...i do not know, who knows?....but to say that anyone would do it who grew up in their circumstance is an assumption that is wrong to make.

    You go on to comment that if i were in a warlike situation, such as vietnam and world war II i would have done the same. Their is a big difference between fighting for your principles, defending your family and standing up for the rights of those you love, than what these two did. If i were given orders to shoot women and children, i would hope that i could make a stand against that. Again it is wrong to assume that we would do that...soldiers did stand up against these orders, they were few, but there were some.

    I believe these two should be locked up for life for what they did, I believe anyone who takes another life should. No 1. that only then can we be sure that they could not do it again in society. No2. Some sense of justice has to be considered for the family.

  • Roamingfeline

    As far as I'm concerned Abaddon, there is no "Debate". Put your money where your mouth is, and make 'em your next door neighbors, playing with YOUR little children. Then spew your mouth off about how they should be shown mercy when they find YOUR dead child with a stick rammed up his ass.


  • Abaddon

    trevor; I didn't realise we were in the church tea rooms and apologise if my language offends you. I note that you are a not demanding the same behaviour from both sides of the debate. How... honest.

    You said I had missed the point you had raised regarding my personality traits (thank 'e mashter). As I said "I don't have to show restraint, I'm not their father, I can express my opinion freely and emotively, just as the 'kill 'em/lock 'em up' lobbey are doing."

    You seem to have missed the point that my point of view is liable to result in the boys being left alone, unlike the other side's point of view, which at its extreme end will result in vigilante slayings.

    Thus your assertion that "When people like you find their little boy has been tortured to death, they are not the type to show the forgiveness and tolerance that you are demanding" is rather unfounded. You have no way of knowing that; you are accusing me of gross hypocracy, and have the gall to critisize me if I use the word 'fuck'. That makes you a hypocritical little tosser; my invective was directed towards a point of view, not towards individuals, yours is baseless and directed soley at me.

    My assessment of you as a hypocritical tosser is further compunded by you continuing to attack me, rather than to discuss the issue.

    You say "Your whole demeanour shows a dislike for people."

    Yeah, like this I suppose;

    I think people can be rehabilitated. We all have been or are being rehabilitated from our background, and just because someone was wharped in a different more violent way than they way we were wharped does not give you the right, in my far from humble opinion, to become a judge.

    I do believe in redemption, that someone can turn their life around. We mostly have, and just because other people have further to go than we have doesn't mean you have the right to judge.

    You don't know me and your baseless judgements of me are meaningless, only serving to underline your avoidance of the issues I raised.

    I actually admitted that, if it happened to my kith or kin, I would want my vengence. I also said that, even though this might be the case, I didn't think that was a way for society as a whole to conduct itself.

    You close with the laughable;

    Of course I could be wrong, in which case you eagerness to forgive all criminals and murderers, due to the circumstances of their own lives, can be extended to me.

    You can demonstrate that great tolerance that you profess to have by politely thanking me for sharing my opinion with you.

    God, are you thick or what (you started this personal insult thing butt-munch, you live with it)?

    You have a right to express your opinion, even if it is badly thought out (yes, arrogant as well as foul mouthed). However, nothing makes me have to thank you for it, fool.

    I would if it contained any points of worth, or if it was stylistically compelling. It isn't.

    I also don't have to forgive you for anything as I cannot be insulted by anyone I don't respect. You have given me no reason to respect you.

    Roamingfeline; You had better queue-up for your pitch-fork, burning torch and length of rope. There will be a lynch-mob along at any moment. I would thank you for joining in the debate, but you didn't and are proud of the fact you don't want to. Spew out your knee-jerk statements and don't think too hard, it might hurt you.

    digeridoo; Thank you for a decent reply.

    You make the point that "Just because he grew up the way he did doesn't turn him into a murderer. Somewhere in the world others grew up the same way and learned to deal with their experiences."

    What did turn him into a murderer then? I find it very hard to buy the Christian concept of evil. I think the closest you can get to 'evil' is a sociopath, someone who is amoral. A child who is like that is like that because of nurture. Nature does play its part, but its far to akin to a belief in 'fate' to believe that those two boys were predestined to kill by the arrangement of their genes.

    If it is overwhelmingly nuture that made them that way, and they were so young, how can any civilised society hold them as responsible as an adult for what they did? An adult who is a sociopath cannot make a convincing case that they didn't know it was 'wrong'. But some ten year-old believe in Father Christmas for god's sake!

    I am glad you agree on the boy's humanity; reading many of the posts on this thread it seems many people doubt it.

    You make a very good point that I am equally putting thoughts in nice boxes. As you say of me, "You want to accept that this pattern of behaviour is normal, given their circumstances." You are perfectly free not to accept that line of thought.

    That what they did was a cold callous act is something no one could argue with. You admit you don't know what made them do it but that to assume it was their background would be an assumption.

    Yes, well, I think it is one bourne out by my examples.

    Think of the internalised psychology of the examples I gave. GI's shooting women and children has nothing to do with fighting for your principles, and bespeaks of someone who has been brutalised by their environment. We both hope that we, in that circumstance, would empty the clip into the psycho officer giving the order.

    But we don't know.

    People can be wharped or brutalised in many different ways, and it can result in both passive and active behaviour.

    Many of us would have watched our child bleed to death when we were JW's.

    Many children who are abused think AT LEAST WHILE THEY ARE CHILDREN that it is what normally happens, that 'daddies always do that'. Even when they grow up, many carry on the abuse into the next generation, often kidding themselves that it is society that is wrong.

    Sorry for the distasteful examples, but I am trying to illustrate how powerful an effect a wharped background can have on someone, especially a child.

    If someone can be wharped by their experience, and can commit a crime without full culpability, then it would be logical to assume the wharping can be undone.

    If it can be (and the evidence presented to the parole board would seem to be conclusive), and the tragedy was not fully their fault any way, then I do not think that justice could be served by locking them up. Again I point out no-one seems bothered by Bulgers' mother psychosis. She needs help, quick, as if you have read any of her statements, the poor woman's mind has been affected. A mentally disturbed woman's sense of justice is no basis for a legal system.

    As I said in my initial post, if there is an appreciable risk that they would re-offend then imprisonment of some form would be an option. You say "I believe anyone who takes another life should [be locked up for life]" (square brackets give context). I don't think you actually mean that 'anyone taking life', I think you mean 'anyone murdering another human', and more precisely 'anyone commiting what the American's call 1st degree murder'.

    Please correct me if my assumptions are wrong. I don't imagine you would want drunk drivers and people who killed accidentally or with provokation treated the same way as a serial killer, even though they might be due an appropriate punishment.

    If this is the case, then those kids, for me, can not logically be put in the same catagory as a adult premeditating murder.

    We might disgree, but at least we can. 8-)

    Thanks again for a considered reply.

  • logical

    Abaddon, You have pretty much said it all.

    RCat, you are a petty, stupid, ignorant woman. Do you have any friends? If you do, they must be just like you cos im sure no real people would want to know evil like you.

  • Roamingfeline
    RCat, you are a petty, stupid, ignorant woman. Do you have any friends? If you do, they must be just like you cos im sure no real people would want to know evil like you.

    My friends (of which there are many, thank you) would heartily disagree with you. I don't agree with Abaddon, I told him so up front, I don't have to JUSTIFY my opinion, and I have a right to state it.

    What's the matter, Logical? You can't take hearing in black and white what happened to that boy? Too much to stomach? Well, think how his mother feels. And here's Abaddon spewing and spitting because she hasn't "moved on". Who the hell is he to judge? He just likes to spew his opinion as if it's fact all over the place, and bulldoze everyone down who doesn't agree. He's always been that way since I've known him, and I don't think he'll change in the forseeable future.

    But that doesn't mean that I have to agree with him or justify why I don't. And I won't. Like I said, if he want to prove his point that the boys who did such things to a toddler deserve to be free, let him put them next door to him, and put his own kids' life on the line. It's a great way to test your WORDS.


  • Abaddon
    I don't agree with Abaddon, I told him so up front, I don't have to JUSTIFY my opinion, and I have a right to state it.

    No sweetie, you don't have to justify your opinion, which is just as well, all things considered, but you do have a right to your opinion.

    Like those boys, under law, have a right to be released.

    here's Abaddon spewing and spitting because she hasn't "moved on". Who the hell is he to judge?

    Okay, fine, blatently misrepresent what I said about the mother. You not only refuse to justify your opinion, which is your right, but also consider it your right to distort what I said.

    When you do that, you trip yourself up; you say "Who the hell is he to judge?". I'm the one saying we can't judge these boys, and illustrating why - I don't judge Jamie's mother at all.

    You are the one doing the judging. I suggest you re-arrange these words into a well know sentence or phrase. Hypocrite. Fat. Big.

    He just likes to spew his opinion as if it's fact all over the place, and bulldoze everyone down who doesn't agree. He's always been that way since I've known him, and I don't think he'll change in the forseeable future.

    You don't know me. You refuse to justify your opinion. This implies you consider it incontravertably right. Bit of a JW mindset there - a cheap crack, but at least partially true.

    I present reasons WHY I think the way I do. If like dig you actually stepped up to the line and engaged in the debate you might do some thing other than bleat 'impale him, impale him', oh, sorry, I mean, 'imprison them, imprison them'.

    As to your fascination with me proving my words by having those boys move in next to me, well, I think anyone can see that that is not an option. It wouldn't be allowed even if I volunteered. What are you trying to prove by saying that? Your tenuous grip on reality?

    But, ignoring the stupidity of your demand of proof, as you don't know me, you don't know that I would only be concerned about a person in my neighbourhood if they presented a real threat, rather than your ignorant Sun/Sunday People gutter press rating mob mentality threat.

    Of course, you will say I lie, but why should I care what you think?

    You're so bloated with your moral rightness and the right you have given yourself to judge (QED) that you won't enage in the discussion.

    Wow, I so DON'T respect that. You might not have to justify yourself, but it might stop you looking like a fool if you did, as without justification you seem easily lead by the press, and with little insight into the case.

    Put your claws back in. Find some real bad people to direct your invective against.

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