Can some one explain how 607 is wrong

by XQsThaiPoes 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Triple A
    Triple A
    IMO means in my oppinion.

    XQsThaiPoes, Thanks, have seen that before and did not know what it meant. Triple A

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I should have stated they post the temple being destroyed at 586 and the 70 years of desolation at 605ish. In other words places them as independant events. The WT could easily do the same if people insisted 586 was the only acceptable date. THe have already conceded enough by saying that is the "secular" date.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Welcome thanks for helping me. Oh and didn't russell use 606?

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    Russell used 606 till he found out that there was no year zero ( 0 ).

    The WT could easily do the same if people insisted 586 was the only acceptable date. THe have already conceded enough by saying that is the "secular" date.

    Maybe they could, but so much of the authority for the current Faithful and Discreet Slave Class rides on this. They were the ones that changed the 2nd coming of Jesus from 1874 and Armageddon in 1914/15/18/25 to Jesus return in 1914 and Armageddon to 1940s/75/before the turn of the century. Do not forget that Rutherford and friends were released from prison 3.5 years after 1914. This would have to go away as one of the why us and not them reasons to join.

    Prehaps when the new Chieftain class is all that is on the GB they will change their stance on 607 BC.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    No need for a new cheiftian class. The GB left the WT board of directors in 2000. Maybe when the new great crowd leadership has to go through the doctrinal spring cleaning JWs seems to do every decade they will not understand the significance of 607(since they are not the part of the FDS) and accidentally throw it out with an unrelated article. Sorta how piniatas ended up allowing for birthdays and x-mas.

  • mustang

    " If you want to find conflicts in watchtower continuity great thread. But I am trying to figure out why other religions that care nothing about 1914 seem to think around 607 is the start of the 70 years other than just adding 70 to 537 for the sake of making the bible seem accurate. I think it may be just coincedence. "


    I also suspect there are also two other possibilities about the other religions latching onto those dates:

    1) They are possibly using some careless review of the dates and what has occurred, similar to the WTS actions.

    2) They may also be using VERY OLD DOCUMENTS and basing their beliefs on work done decades or even over a century ago. These may be TRADITIONALLY HELD BELIEFS. (Where have we seen that before?)

    Also, these groups are NOT authorities on these subjects.

    And the variety of dates from 605-609 reminds me of the older things that I have read, circa Russell's day. There are a number of earlier dates that had to be abandoned, even before Russell got warmed up. Just ask the Millerites of the SDA about the GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT.

    You seem to question what you read: GOOD. Keep it up!!! At least you will make an unpalatable and bad tasting Dub.


  • Carmel

    All the JW renderings are based on the general concensus that Millerite exigetical renderings using 586/7 were incorrect as no "decent in the clouds" occured in 1843/44. That is based on the literal interpretation that Jesus and millions of angels would descent. No different than the Israelites taking the literal understanding of His "first coming" as a great warrior with sword in hand that would liberate them from the yoke of Rome. Since the literal events didn't occur, Jesus was not accepted as the "messiah" for them. They are still waiting for that event. How many bought ascention robes, sold their property and waited on the Pennsylvania hillside looking for a literal Jesus in the clouds? How many today still look at the events of the mid-nineteenth century and concure that the "calculations were in error" because "nothing happened".

    Perhaps if He "came down from heaven" as in the first coming, it was missed again. Insisting on a purely materialistic fulfillment of scripture seems to repeat itself from one age to another.


  • peacefulpete

    It seems that 70 years is a symbolic period as evidenced by this link that describes a parallel in Caananite mythology. seventy schmeventy

    Adding that 49-50 years is the actually time that the elite of Judah were exiled as shown by archaeology and understood by author of Daniel at 9:25. Seven weeks=49 years till an annointed (HP Joshua) and a Prince (Zerubbabel). Modern Christian translations have disguised the cryptic passage to suggest it was referring to Jesus. The balance of the passage refers to the killing of the High priest and the desecration of the temple by Antiochus Epiphanes and it's subsequent rededication.

  • confusedjw

    Scolar said:

    It stands in sharp contrast to the dead-end dates of 586-7 for the Fall of Jerusalem and to the muddled interpretations for the seventy years.

    I assume you aren't serious and just like to tweak the tails of posters here. If not, I admire your faith in a man's dating system in the face of historical facts.

  • jgnat

    No 607 date means that 1914 was not special which means that the WTBTS is not an inside dealer in Truth. There is no Faithful and Discreet Slave class. There is no need for six million people to slavishly follow the FDS.

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