What Are The Differences Between A "Normal" JW & A "Worldly"( Normal) Perso

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyber-sista

    A normal person would not view material objects (such as a coffee cup or an item of clothing) as things that could ruin your life because they were posssesed by demons.

    A normal person would not warn their children that toys such as carebears and smurfs could bring demon monsters into their bedroom.

    Here in Hawaii we were warned about picking up rocks because they may have been used in ancient ceremonies, thus possessed by demons. (A normal person would pick up a rock and not even think about the possibility of that object being demon possessed)

    A normal person would not be suspicious of garage sale items because their previous owners were not JW. (Now a real paranoid thinking JW might reason to himself--I am having problems--what if the item I just purchased at Walmart was produced by a demon possessed factory worker in a pagan 3rd world county!!!?)

    A normal person would not throw away an solid gold museum worthy ancient artifact of priceless value because it was from an pagan civilization, because she thought it was most likely demon possessed (I actually knew a JW who did this) Even as a JW I thought she could at least have donated it to a museum.

  • AuntieJane

    Balsam, it is people like you who give me hope that my involved family members will see the light!

    I am sorry for the death of your son, whatever the circumstances. I've had too many close friends lose

    children and I don't know how you find the inner strength to get through those times.

    Are your other children "out" or "in"? Bless you!

  • minimus

    How many people threw away valuable diamond jewelry & heirlooms because they were considered pagan or might be demonized??

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