Confucious, perhaps if you did become an elder, you might've been happier?
Are Circuit Overseers Stuck in Their Jobs?
by metatron 51 Replies latest jw friends
Hey as there ever been a Circuit Overseer who stopped being one and then actually left the JW's? Has there ever been any on here. I know lots of ex-Elders are on here but what about ex-CO? What about a District Overseer who becomes an ex witness?
Just a thought I was wondering about.
MAXIMUS, was formerly a DO. Look him up on the directory. He was da best!
Going back few years there was a brother in our congregation who spent most of his life as a pioneer, also his wife was.. He became an Elder and the service overseer both were very zealous (WT buzzword) for the field seervice. Both in their early 30's and they had decided not to have any children. Occasionally this brother would stand in for the CO. Eventually he was appointent as a CO and they moved to their assigned Circuit. Everyone was made up for them as they were a real nice couple and did care about what they did and were popular. Anyway they had only been there for about a year, when the wife became pregnant. Everyone said "What a pity after all those years making sure they didn't have children just when they become CO she falls pregnant" Eventually they returned to our congregation and took up were they left off, he became service overseer again.
Anyway a while later the word went round that they had found the Circuit where they were sent, so bad and full of problems. That they wanted out, and it was also affecting their health. So the only way they could do it without losing face was for the wife to get pregnant. How true it was I can't say but I was told it by a close relative of the brothers wife.
I know 3 CO's and 2 DO's who are now ex.
Anyway a while later the word went round that they had found the Circuit where they were sent, so bad and full of problems. That they wanted out, and it was also affecting their health. So the only way they could do it without losing face was for the wife to get pregnant. How true it was I can't say but I was told it by a close relative of the brothers wife
when i was at bethel it was a commonly known that sisters who did not LIKE BETHEL would get pregnant to make their husbands leave after many times spending yes begging to leave this god forsaken place
So the only way they could do it without losing face was for the wife to get pregnant.
All gave some; some gave all.
Yes, it brings back memories. Bethel couples getting pregnant and leaving.
Lots of us single guys would just laugh at this because it gave the impression that birth control was an unreliable
crap shoot, threatening your Bethel career at every turn. I often wondered at how much power this gave married
sisters : one forgotten pill or leaky diaphagm and you're toast.
My brother is a CO. He's 46 years old. He was an elder for almost 20 years, and he was a regular pioneer for about 10 years before they appointmented him CO. In the last two years before he was appointed, he served as a temporary CO to fill in for people from time to time. When his son graduated from high school, he went off to Bethel for a couple of years. Now he's engaged to be married but is also pioneering full time. Ah, such a spiritual family! He owned his own home and had a regular job. I had to admire him for going down to 30 hours a week at work so he could pioneer. He's pretty sincere, but I also happen to think he's a self-righteous bastard. He's hard and cold, too. I don't envy the poor brothers in his circuit. Anyway, my brother has a cushy set-up, especially for a first-time appointment. His assignment is a large southern city. He doesn't have to travel outside the city, so he has a duplex where he lives year round (I don't know whether the Society owns it or the local circuit--it's not attached to a KH) that the local brothers remodeled before he moved in (new carpet, etc.). It's large and quite nice. He's also got his brand new car, which gets replaced every three years. Health insurance, two weeks of vacation--it's just like a real job, except for the pay. The thing is, though, that every week the local brothers give him quite a bit of cash. I think he's a lot better off financially than he was when he was working and making a house payment. He's doing so well, in fact, that he and his wife are going to the Bahamas for their vacation--all paid for by the local brothers' contributions. What a racket, eh? He's a lot happier now because he was getting to hate his job and it was physically taxing. He couldn't had done it until old age, but he can do this job until he drops dead, and he probably will. But if he wants to "retire," he'll probably have it made because his circuit is in a pretty afluent city and he's making connections with lots of rich brothers. I don't think he has anything to worry about. Plus, because he worked so many years, he has a lot paid into social security (assuming it's still solvent by the time he gets old).