it is a very difficult life for most, many of us think of the co in the west, when you get into some of the third world countries they get the shaft
many co long to be called off the road to bethel, or assembly hall care taker when they get old-
since many co are in their 60-70yrs of age, from the 75 generation of jw who quit jobs, gave up kids etc, many are being asked to leave the work due to their wives health or thiers
they will lose the care, money and insurance, etc, short of a
my old roommate at bethel told me almost 4 months ago that is a major concern of the service dept he works in
many of them are falling into depression, the demands of being on the road are hard esp since they took away their trailiers afew yrs back
ted jaraz felt that since stayed with the frineds - then they should too, so they were forbidden to pull the camper behind the wt car- so many of them sold the camper- cause they could not submit any expenses related to the camper to the congo-while it sounds nice that someone else pays your bill, etc the problem is these guys expected to be in the new order by now-- some are trying to start little biz on the side and reports are coming back to bethel about it-
due to living in a "Mans world" these men are unable to take care of their wives - so here is man who has been Proud and often timesarrangoant as he has dealt with others for 30yrs now he must accept handouts
keep in mind that now they can't HOOK UP BRO on the convenitions with parts or appointments to city overseer, sub co , etc-
this organization is built on WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY
ask anyone who pioneered 15yrs ago- the ORG, OR FIRENDS don't care WHAT YOU USED TO DO
so according to my roomate depression is an issue they are facing, they have no kids, most of their family is sick or dead, they usuallly have no relationship with neieces or nephews or cousines, etc so now the congo is left to take care of them- if the congo can afford it
i know of those who live in the apt, but TALK TO JW IN THIRD WORLD COUNITRIES the co in those countries unless they are called into the Branch are given the shaft
some of you may recall that "Speical Pioneer arrangement" or the "pioneer infirmed list"
well the service dept is not assigning anymore to the SP arrangement in the WEST and less and less to the PI list since they lowwered the NUMBERS
yes the most loyal members the co and their wives get the shaft from wt