toot toot toot lookin out my back door

by xenawarrior 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    OOOOH! I LOVE seeing things like this!

    We are avid birdwatchers (like the kind of folks I used to make fun of as a kid) and we have quite a large variety here every day. We have cardinals, Cedar waxwings, purple finch, goldfinch, three small woodpeckers and a large woodpecker of a different variety, 3 kinds of sparrow, chickadees, tufted titmice (titmouses?) wrens, orioles, red-winged blackbirds, robins, bluebirds, two males and a female hummingbird, and a pair of birds that I can't think of the name of---that is black---but in the sunlight it turns a brilliant blue-green. (and a partridge in a pear tree--giggle)

    I can't find my birdbook, but I think that your bird is some kind of hawk. We had a family of quail two years ago that were living under our picnic table! They were quite a sight...we could almost touch the babies when the parents were away from the area. They were adorable!


    edited to add that while I was hunting for my birdbook that I can't find, and typing my reply---others had posted and have said it was a hawk---I didn't want to look stoooopid and repeat it! Hahaha!

  • little witch
    little witch

    This reminds me of something that happened two years ago (a bird story) lol

    My husband and I went on a short trip (about 40 miles round trip) one Sunday morning. We were on the way home and had just came to a small river that was flooded at the time (this was in the early spring).

    He was driving, and I was just listening to music and looking about for signs of spring....

    A big bird caught my attention, he was about thirty feet from the ground, soaring....I looked up and guess what it was???????


    I screamed OMG and eagle!!!!! and we stopped to watch him as he was "fishing" along the banks of the flooded river.

    Now, that may not sound exciting, but the only ABE I have ever seen was at a zoo. I know that near us there have been attempts to re-introduce the eagles, but that was the first one I have ever seen in the wild....I will never forget it as long as I live!

    (and none of you will believe me cause I mistook a hawk for an owl)LOLOLOLOL

  • Sunspot

    Little Witch---how exciting!!!

    I have never seen one, and I'd probably faint if I did!

    I got ridiculous when those quail I mentioned decided to camp out in our yard! I couldn't stay away from the deck or windows long enough to get anything DONE around here. lol!

    My son said when he was pulling into the driveway a short time ago, he saw a red fox scurrying away.....and I've never seen one of those either!



    (talk about typing errors-yike!)

  • frenchbabyface

    Ho ? cute ...

    I have some little birds getting in from my kitchen windows sometimes, I like that ...

  • xenawarrior

    That is so cool Annie !! I love the birds around here. It's great in the morning to sit on my deck and watch them play. There are lots of trees around so they chase each other from tree to tree and it's funny to see them.

    OMG- while I was typing this there was a knock on the door. JW's!! A very nice couple (they always look so nice) There was another couple across the street- an older couple- I felt badly for them, they didn't look like they were real comfortable with all that walking. Took pictures. Will upload and be back in a flash. LOL. My neighbor must have engaged them in some sort of conversation because I heard the woman say "do you believe he was a real person?" (don't know what that was all about) and she asked if she could come back.

    I feel like I'm in the twilight zone today. Maybe the hawk was here to warn me of the JW's coming !!

  • 4JWY

    With your topic : toot toot toot lookin out my back door

    and it's a Saturday morning, I figured you had a cargroup of dubs heading your way!

    Beautiful creature - keep any cats inside since he's checking the place out for some reason. Our pet chicken disappeared to one of these guys.

    edited to add: Xena, we posted at the same time, yep, IT WAS A SIGN!

  • lauralisa

    OMG Lisa...

    Get yer Billy bob teeth in QUICK before they get to your house......!!!!!!!

    Have E. ready w/ camera !!!

  • Uzzah

    At first I thought you were singing a CCR tune. Great picture XW! Definitely a hawk. My folks have a huge backyard and it looks more like a bird sanctuary than a backyard somedays. Cardinals, Finches, Blue Jays and a pair of ducks that seem to like the pool. I loved hearing the American Bald Eagle story too. I know how awesome it can be to watch. I was canoeing in a small lake in central British Columbia (an hour outside Kamloops). I saw this shadow pass over me and this huge ABE was only 20-30 feet above my head, swooping down, grabbing a fish out of the lake and flew off carrying the fish in it's talons. It was breathtaking. I stopped paddling for about five minutes just in awe about the spectacle I witnessed. Definitely one of my top 5 wilderness experiences. The others involved a brown bear, a chance meeting wiht a bull moose in Central Ontario, a flock of deer in Tennessee, and Manta Rays while scuba diving. I base my spirituality on nature moreso than any book written by men. It is times with nature that move me to ponder things greater than ourselves. Thanks for sharing those pics! Uzzah

  • Uzzah

    Sorry for the long paragraph. Just stsrted using Mozilla and forgot I had to format the post manually.

  • little witch
    little witch


    Yes, it was a spiritual moment for me as well....Such a rare and precious thing to see!

    I also thought of the CCR song upon reading XW's me humming a favorite song....

    "Just got home from Illinois, unlocked the back door oh boy! Look at all those happy creatures dancing on the lawn.....bother me tomorrow today I have no sorrow, doo, doo, doo looking out my back door".

    LOVE IT!!!!! (not to insinuate that xw is drinking today LOLOLOL)

    (but if you are drinking XW, now is the time to down that bloody mary and smack those jw bitches)!

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