toot toot toot lookin out my back door

by xenawarrior 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • xenawarrior

    LOL @ 4JWY !!

    Little Witch, I believe you. Holy cow, we have a lot of eagles in this state. We have a couple of them living down by the river here - which was odd when it happened because they usually don't come this far south. But sometimes the river doesn't freeze so they have fish to eat in the winter.

    My family used to vacation for a week every year in the northern part of the state and up there they made a strong effort to save the eagles- and they did. The people who live on the lakes up there would go ice fishing just to throw the fish out onto the ice for the eagles. We'd see them all over the place up there.

    One year when we were up there- at the cabin we rented each year- on the lake- there was a mother eagle teaching her eaglet how to fish. I was able to sit in the canoe and watch it for a while. She was so accustomed to people being around all the time that nothing fazed her. It was an awesome thing to watch. She'd get a fish and drop it in the water and then squawk at her baby and he'd dive into the water after it. She repeated this process many times. It was amazing- that mother -pretty much "bitching" at her youngster trying to help him learn to survive. It was one of the memories I'll keep with me forever.

    k, pictures of "birds of a different feather"

    I was standing in my driveway and thinking- this looks like something from a t.v. commercial !!

    The lady in this couple couldn't understand why I was taking her picture and kept glancing back- LOL- I was waiting for them to ask me why I was doing that but they never did. They probably just thought it was some "persecution" of some sort once again .

    I'm thinking that I best keep my camera handy today. Who knows what else I'll see

  • xenawarrior

    LOL, yes, it's from the CCR song. doo doo doo is right though but I couldn't remember at the time !!

    Thanks for sharing the story Uzzah. It IS breathtaking when you see stuff like that eh?

    Lauralisa: LMAO- Can you imagine? I was stomping my foot saying to myself- "Now WHY couldn't they have showed up LAST Saturday when Lauralisa was here??!!! THAT would have been something !!

    Drinking LW? I think I might start !! J/K. I wonder what other interesting things will happen today.

    yes, I knew it was a hawk before I ever saw it - I heard the sound. I'm thinking that he saw the rabbits. Good! Get those darn wabbits !!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Ok, dont smack the bitches......I got carried away....

    That is so funny XW, I bet they wondered why you were snapping pix! They will prolly need a strong bloody mary when they get home!

    I am telling you all, I HAVE TO GET A DIGITAL CAMERA SOON!!!!!!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Looks like a red tailed hawk to me.. We have lots of them here.

    There is also a tree up the road we call the Eagle Tree.. I have counted as much as 13 sitting in that tree... That way they can look down over the river and also look down over the big chicken farm.

    The farmer dumps the dead chickens from his big barns.. back over the hill there and all the eagles, hawks, foxes etc... eagerly wait.

    I guess I sort of have a bird paradise for rapture birds. Bald Eagles, Osprey, Red tailed hawks, are a common site where I live.

    Good picture XW.. strange that it would be as close as that...It must be the rabbits. They will also attach and eat smaller birds.

    Special K

  • xenawarrior

    That is great Special K!! I love the rapture birds too. There are a lot of hawks around here too. I hope it's the rabbits they are after and not the little birds.

    That must be amazing to see that many eagles at one time. You should get pictures of that - they don't congregate like that in many places. I'd love to see them !!!

  • Valis

    *LOL* rapture that like Alfred Hitchcock's Avian Armageddon?


    District Overbeer

  • Elsewhere

    * Singing *

    Ohhhh... don't mess with my toot toot....

    Denise La Salle - My Toot Toot

    Don?t mess with my Toot Toot
    Don?t mess with my Toot Toot
    I know you have another woman
    So don?t mess with my Toot Toot

    When I was born in my birth suit
    The doctor slap her behind
    He said: ?You?re gonna be special
    You sweet little Toot Toot?
    So you can look as much
    But if you much as touch
    You?re gonna have yourself a case
    I?m gonna break your face

    So don?t mess with my Toot Toot
    Don?t mess with my Toot Toot
    I know you have another woman
    So don?t mess with my Toot Toot

    Don?t mess with my Toot Toot
    Don?t mess with my Toot Toot
    I know you have another woman
    So don?t mess with my Toot Toot

    Toot Toot
    Toot Toot
    I know you have another woman
    Toot Toot

    Toot Toot
    Toot Toot
    I know you have another woman
    Toot Toot

    Don?t mess with my Toot Toot
    Don?t mess with my Toot Toot
    I know you have another woman
    So don?t mess with my Toot Toot

  • Special K
    Special K

    A neighbour that lives about 5 miles from here.. up the river..

    She had the sad experience that a mature bald eagle flew down and carried off her pet cat.

    The ice was in the river unusally long that spring and the bald eagles were very hungry that spring.

    Yup, she saw the bald eagle fly off with her cat...(very sad..and a horrible experience)

    Special K ..

  • xenawarrior

    OMG Special K- that would be awful !! I can see it happening though.

    LOL @ Elsewhere !!

    OMG, this just really freaked me out. I can hear that hawk out there crying. Actually I can hear 2 of them. So they are crying back and forth and I am headed outside to check it out. I opened the back door to the deck and the hawk flew down over my roof about a foot over my head!!! Scared the shit out of me !!

    Something is going on with that bird. She/he is hanging around for too long today. Maybe a baby involved somewhere. I've only seen one of them but I can hear the other one. It's very unusual for one this size to stick around with people out and about in their yards.

  • bikerchic
    Something is going on with that bird. She/he is hanging around for too long today. Maybe a baby involved somewhere. I've only seen one of them but I can hear the other one. It's very unusual for one this size to stick around with people out and about in their yards.

    Eeeeegads! Let's just hope it's not a human baby! Remember these creatures don't distinguish, food is food to them. Please be carefully!

    I really enjoyed this thread xw as I'm a bird lover myself. I have a couple of great bird stories one is about humming birds; while staying in Aspen, Co right above a creek with a huge wooded area up in the Red Mountains everybody had hummingbird feeders hanging from their houses. All day long the hummingbirds would come to feed and they are quite territorial and can really get mean to each other. Seemed there was always the "bully" in the flock, the "protector", the "newbie" dumdeedumm haven't got a clue type and the "sneak". Anyway we got quite familiar with the hummingbirds and how they interacted with each other it was quite entertaining.

    Another story was really breath taking. Out in the desert while surveying some land we owned we sat back on the rocks and observed a territorial dog-fight amongst the birds. It was a mother and father owl fighting a hawk over it's young in the nest high on a hill nested in a tree. It was really awesome to watch and hear, they can be very loud and this took place over about a half mile square area. I wish we would have had a video camera to capture it because unless you saw it I doubt you could really believe what happens in the wild like that. Happy ending (at least while we watched) the owls succeeded in chasing off the least for that day. Survival of the fittest is alive and real in the animal kingdom.

    Oh and I have some pics of some birds that paid us a visit early on this summer, Craig and I got a kick out of them. They hung around for about a week arriving around the same time every day and leaving after they had their fill of goodies the neighbors and us put out for them.

    They came, they saw, they left...............Mr.&Mrs.Duck.


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