So much to respond to; so little time!
Let me say this. Anybody who has a problem with the idea, the word or the concept of REALITY scares me!
Something which is real (like real estate or an apple tree) is there whether you acknowledge it or not. Something which is not real (like Bigfoot) has been foisted on people's mind by the planting of false evidence. (The perpetrator has been revealed).
Distinguishing real from unreal marks the very boundry of our SANITY!
I want to be sane. I'm sure you do too. Sanity has a practical value even in a crazy world. The value of knowing what is real gives us survival advantages. We won't, for example, waste our time on unprofitable pursuits. We can devote ourselves to reaping real world benefits.
There are two kinds of mental concepts or categories of things: TRUE and FALSE. We discover which is which by testing.
Santa Claus is a false entity. The impact of a false entity is very real. If I have a heart attack because I think there is a ghost in my closet, then, I may die even if the ghost isn't real. Would you not say that dying of a heart attack BECAUSE of a false belief is avoidable?
Unfortunately in this string of discussion we have mixed apples and oranges with chalk and cheese! Let us separate our items and clarify them before we smother in this muddle.
1.We detect real things by how they can be measured. The "joy" of a child on Christmas is a real joy but the belief in Santa is false. Sooner or later the child will have to face that fact. Just as all of us faced our religion as being Santa Claus and had to face that it was false. Measure the "joy", the "disillusionment", the "disappointment" and you see the power of an idea. We conclude the EFFECT is real and not that SANTA is real.
2.If you work for wages you expect payment. You don't want your hourly wage "reinterpreted" to a lower amount. Ask yourself, "why?" Our survival depends on having clear, precise and accurate expectations as to the actual vs the changeable or non-existent.
3.Reserve as many categories of mythical being as you like. Just don't confuse them with real beings. Locally, in Texas, a religious mother heard warnings from god that Satan would take her children to hell. She drowned her children to "save" them. She thought she should obey the voice of god. After all, Abraham was willing to do the same. Now I ask you---does this illustrate the danger of losing track of True vs False?
4.Science can afford the luxury of postulating the existence of "maybe" existing things. Why? Then it can test to see if they are real. Why? So that they may discover uses for them. Why? So that knowledge of practical improvements in the human condition might be made.
5.Religion postulates the existence of "maybe" existing things and then demands we change our lives and live serving them. Has the human race improved as a result?
6.Emotions reflect chemical changes in our physical body. Hormone changes cause a woman to experience all sorts of physical and mental reactions. Hormones are physical and the chemistry of the body is real. Some animals, such as a dog, can SMELL the chemistry such as fear.
7.Measurement is the tool of logic. Logic is the art of non-contradictory measurement. The standard of measurement is consistency with result and uniformity. My bathroom scale tells me I weigh 210 pounds. If, tomorrow, it tells me I weigh 250 pounds I can assure you I won't ignore it. I will test the scale for accuracy and then I will test myself by going to a doctor!!
8.Mysticism deals with unprovable things, hidden things, pretended "realities" and gives people a sense of wonder, amazement, a thrilling sense of possibility. So what is wrong with that? Nothing as long as you don't LOSE TRACK of the unproven aspects. Masturbation can be a pleasant relief. The mind pretends certain stimulating thoughts and a physical result ensues. That isn't harmful unless a certain line is crossed and real relationships with actual partners are discarded in preference.
9.Looking at the history of humanity we find much damage has been wrought by false reality. Error in thinking leads to false reality. The impact of a false belief is as real as the impact of a true belief. All the more reason to distinguish them!
10.We only have a finite amount of time. We use our time wisely or we waste it. If we improve our lives, increase our assets, enlarge our sphere of influence, expand our circle of true friends, provide security for ourselves and our loved ones it can only come from CLEAR thinking. Clear thinking distinguishes important reality from unimportant fantasy. To get those two things mixed up has an impact. Look at a person's life and you'll immediately see the quality of their thinking!