Some interesting ideas here. Yes, I have read your wordy posts
Allow me to give you some insight into my wierd and wonderful thinking.
Should I hold open the possibility that there really is a Santa Claus? I'm am sure you would say "no".
I would not say "no"
And the reason you would say no would stem from your awareness of the reality which refutes the myth.
What reality is that? Santa may exist somewhere, even if it is in the minds of millions of children. That, IMHO, gives him a form of existence - and before anyone starts talking about pink unicorns, this goes for those too. This does not mean that I'm deluded enough to think Santa is walking around somewhere in Lapland (excluding the santa wannabes LOL), it just means that I accept the influence of the image of Santa and don't think that closing my mind to such images is to be preferred.
Should we teach children that Santa Claus is an actually-existing person just so we can politely "fool" them into have an experience of mystical joy?
He may not be an actually existing person, but honestly I don't think that is any reason to completely discount the myth and prevent the magical feeling he evokes in children.
Some things are true and other things are not true. If we confuse what is true with what is NOT we lose our grasp of reality.
Again, what is this "reality"? Quoting the matrix "what is real?" Why is an exclusive acceptance of things purely physical and testable the ultimate aim?
You mentioned that you had spent 20+ years believing a myth and this had harmed you. Evidently you threw the baby out with the bathwater and decided that all things untestable are harmful.