I believe that the universe is pervaded with distributed intelligence - pantheism such as Spinoza and Einstein and Dyson
I challenge anyone visiting Bethel to also go to the Natural History Museum in NYC and take a good look at Neanderthal
skeletons - such as "Turkana boy" and then tell themselves that humans haven't evolved.
That said, I believe that current evolutionary theories are utter nonsense - and that critics like Rupert Sheldrake are simply
ignored or shouted down.
In particular, science is being led by a silly notion of genetic code being an all powerful "landfill" of determinants.
Got musical talent? Got intelligence? Got a weird disease that only shows up in forty years? Are you gay?
It just gets sillier and sillier - while the folks at Celera ( human genome project) clearly stated that the human
genetic code is NOT "a blueprint"!
We are running out of reductionism here, trying to lump every human trait and ability to a very limited - and "junk"
filled code. A whole new - and radical - paradigm must emerge - either one that accepts non-local influences on life
or a simple admission of defeat in reductionist ideology. Look for more biologists to toss words like "emergent"
One of the wisest comments on this was uttered about a hundred years ago by a Hindu philosopher named
Vivekananda , who questioned how the entire complexity of a human could be reduced to a small part of
a cell ( long before DNA was discovered). His point still stands the test of time.