EVIL LOUTION? Why do you still resist? Science doesn't work?

by Terry 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pole


    I guess the same goes for malicious bacteria and viruses. I mean if God intentionally created every distinctive form of life then he must be responsible for that too, which means he's as malicious as some of his minature natural wonders of creation.

    Either he hasn't given a damn about the universe for the last 10 billion years, or his ontological status is no better than that of Santa Claus.

    There is also something funny about the ergonomics of human body. I mean think about the eyes for instance. They're "placed" deep in the skull so that you don't lose an eye when you get punched. Oh what a fine example of God's care! However, what if you fall on your face and there's something stciking out from the ground?

    We also have hard skulls which protect us from brain damage. And we don't need to worry about meteors because they get burnt in the atmosphere. Well, most of the time. I mean you're not very likely to get hit in a 80 years long lifespan. But what about the whole eternity assuming that God meant us to live so long? And obviously you can crush your skull in a fantastic variety of different ways...

    Seems like a lot of screwed up creation work....

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Why would "God" "create" creatures with DNA that now serves no useful purpose.

    Maybe God is create them for future generations. Maybe he knows that vestigal organs or junk dna allow as potential for his creations to adapt to change. Look at the male nipple. Many people claim it is a useless vestigal organ, but some men can nurse their children naturaly. This is a great advantage in the case of the mothers untimely death.

    And also what does this have to do with genesis? Making animals out of dirt is not the only way to create. Also being creative tends to require inspiration. What if God never thaught of modern humans until cro magnon? How many artist paint a master piece their first try. All animals here use dna that is four characters of machine code. If you are God and you invent this programing language for life on earth why would you throw it away and start from scratch every time? You could build a program add a line compile (a creature is born), if the line conflicts with other code you can have errors and the system freezes (the creature dies). Some errors crash instantly and the creature is never born, the errors linger dormant until you try a specific task, or like a security hole there is no known flaw until some other program or person exploits it. The thing is this is happening every time genetic code is changed and there is no proof "God" is not doing it.

  • Pole
    And also what does this have to do with genesis? Making animals out of dirt is not the only way to create. Also being creative tends to require inspiration. What if God never thaught of modern humans until cro magnon? How many artist paint a master piece their first try. All animals here use dna that is four characters of machine code. If you are God and you invent this programing language for life on earth why would you throw it away and start from scratch every time? You could build a program add a line compile (a creature is born), if the line conflicts with other code you can have errors and the system freezes (the creature dies). Some errors crash instantly and the creature is never born, the errors linger dormant until you try a specific task, or like a security hole there is no known flaw until some other program or person exploits it. The thing is this is happening every time genetic code is changed and there is no proof "God" is not doing it.

    God - a rookie c++ programmer constantly forgetting to destroy unused pointers here and there and sometimes trying to save his face when a new bug is discovered by explaining that it was intentional, or at least "potentially useful". He runs his buggy code on the Universe platform for the sake of testing it and watches millions of randomly selected children starve and die due to a certain poorly implemented module of his application. They feel like it's pretty much real, but no need to panic, for he knows it's all virtual. It's just a freaking test.


    a) The only well-informed apologist of the great programmer in the entire universe?

    b) A rookie metaphysician who has employed another phoney, leaking metaphor to account for an old so called "problem"?

    I like your sense of humor. I hope it's just your sense of humor.

    BTW, what languages do you program in?



  • XQsThaiPoes



    Eve: God why is thier pain, suffering, and death? Why do our animal freinds keep killing each other, and get sick and old?

    Adam: Shut up last time I asked him that he told me to fix it, and made you.

    Eve: But whats wrong with my skin, and why are my breast sagging?

    Adam: Yeah God on second thought I wana know that knowlege too it would solve so many problems... Why are her breast sagging?

    God: Eve I have this guy from the IT department coming over to fix that he is long, skinny, dry skin, talks with a lisp. He'll fix you up. He was working on the knowlege tree.

    Adam: Cool. Oh hey God when does that go gold I hear its is gona be bitchen! And can you get me in the beta?

    Eve: Hey what about me?

    Adam: Yeah alright... Eve too...

    God: look um I am busy got... um stuff to take care of, and these are my weekend minutes. Talk to the IT guy he seems to be up on that sorta thing, and can tell you better than I can.

  • Pole


    God: Eve I have this guy from the IT department coming over to fix that he is long, skinny, dry skin, talks with a lisp. He'll fix you up. He was working on the knowlege tree.

    Satan the Original Hacker who f***d up God's Universe platform??? LOL!

    I bet he programmed "the knowledge tree" in the LISP language. It turned out to be a real trojan after all :)

    And I don't know if it was intentional but the "knowledge tree" you mentioned is a really good pun by itself. I mean LISP is considered a laguage for AI applications where they often use "decision trees" to represent knowledge, hence LISPing Satan desingning a knowledge tree.

    And those bits and pieces of redundant DNA Farkel mentioned must be the so-called " starving processes". These are basically low priority unimportant operating system jobs that never get done, because the CPU has always something more important tasks. This may happen when a programmer leaves the team without finishing his tiny little assignement which nobody else on the team even gets to notice. There is some gossip for instance that they discovered a few such processes in Windows 95 only when they started working on the releas version of Windows 98. Some of those jobs had been running (waiting in a stealth mode) for years on millions on machines without ever getting done.

    So different forms of life may be affected by the starving processes problem.

    It all works for me now in your account. Good piece.


  • AlanF

    Hooberus, you've succeeded extremely well in proving that young-earth creationists like yourself are as dishonest as JW lawyers. I'll not waste any more time on you.


  • Farkel

    : The thing is this is happening every time genetic code is changed and there is no proof "God" is not doing it.

    That's a logical fallacy. Something is not true simply because it cannot be disproved.

    If I told you that invisible raccoons spoke to me and told me what God wanted me to do and then told you to prove me wrong, you couldn't do it. But would what I claimed be true merely because you couldn't disprove it?


  • XQsThaiPoes

    That's a logical fallacy. Something is not true simply because it cannot be disproved.

    I know that. I was just talking in general. I never said it was true.

    The problem is defining natural unintellegent processess. The universe is interactive. The difference between creation and evolution is cause. In general creation God caused it in evolution nature caused it. What if god is a dumb process or what if nature is intellegent?

    People ponder if there is such a thing as a god, but few question is there such a thing as nature. There could be no God, but evolution could be false. Life on earth could have been created.

    Maybe I am missing the point of the evolution theory. What does it do again? I mean I know what evolution is, but maybe my unorthodox veiw is I can't see the point because the theory of evolution has no tangible impact on science out side of the bone filing sciences and epidemiology(maybe). Because we live in the present what ever is alive now is what matters. Unless you are dealing with a fast replicator then the theory of evolution sits on a self until you need to file something and that is only from tradition. You can't predict anything with evolution alone. I may be totaly inept right now so dont castrate me i am confused. Help me understand.

  • Farkel


    : Maybe I am missing the point of the evolution theory. What does it do again? I mean I know what evolution is, but maybe my unorthodox veiw is I can't see the point because the theory of evolution has no tangible impact on science out side of the bone filing sciences and epidemiology(maybe).

    Mankind has a natural tendency to wonder about his origins. One could make the same argument you made about psychology: "Who cares WHY we think and act the way we do? It's only important to KNOW that we think and act the way we do."

    A lot of other disciplines and sciences are devoted to activities which one can claim have virtually no impact on the lives of any of us. Quantum mechanics and astronomy are among them.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with mankind using their brains in an attempt to discover stuff if nothing more than for the sheer joy of doing it.


  • XQsThaiPoes


    I was going to put that in my example psychology vs nurology. The think is psychology has yeilded techniques that work for some people.Evolution is a origins theory that out side of a petri dish can't explain much of anything in real time.

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