I had a disagreement with XQ in chat today, because he was trying to say that JWs for the most part disobey the WTS and still treat family like family even if they are dfd or quit being witnesses.. I don't feel that is true. I think that the majority of us on here who no longer are JWs have family members who no longer have anything to do with us and shun us.... so I said it would be interesting to take a poll and see how many here are treated just like all the rest of your 'loving family' who is a JW still.......are you treated the same?
- Does family shun you for being DF'd, DA'd or no longer participating?
- Or do they hide and talk to you but only when other active JWs can't see??
- Do they share meals with you?
- Go shopping, see movies, do PUBLIC things with you?
- Is your life the same with them when you were a JW, as when you are not?