A Very Sad Shell-Shocking Day

by Amazing1914 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing1914

    Why is it our lot as former members of the Watchtower organization to suffer so much emotional pain? Just when we think we have reached some level of putting it all behind us, something new pops up to bite us hard. A couple that I have been very close to just sent me a very sad e-mail. About 20 years ago they left the JWs and seemingly became atheist-agnostic. When I was an Elder, I traveled to their area to give them a "pep talk" only to be coolly received. Then one day, I called them, as I was in my own spiritual crisis. They took me in and helped me on my journey out of the Watchtower organization.

    The last 12 years had proven to be very good as I moved ahead on my journey of discovery, change, and growth. I did not see them sitting in limbo, having their own struggle. Then, one day about a month or two ago, I get a call to go and review a certain web site that promotes the Watchtower Society, but only takes issue with certain doctrines. I thought it strange when they mentioned that the problem with ex-JWs is that they have gone nowhere better, no improved organization to serve God. But, I just kind of discounted this as some growth pains.

    Yesterday, I get a long e-mail detailing how they finally got sick of ex-JW site, which only tell half-truths about the Watchtower Society. They went into how I am working and taking a stand against Jehovah. Finally, they talked about how they prayed, and asked Jehovah for help, and before long pride melted away, and they have seen the light. Their e-mail notified me that they were reinstated earlier this month. They concluded by urging me to leave the dark side, and return to Jehovah.

    Sadly, they make some fair comment about the behavior of many ex-JWs. Although, they also misrepresented my positions to my own face. They know better than that, because I have never turned away from Jehovah, Jesus, or the Christian faith. I simply do not accept the twisted version of who Jehovah is that is promoted by the Watchtower. Nonetheless, the behavior and words of many ex-JWs and a number of ex-JW web sites had a share in causing them to return to the Watchtower Society.

    I wrote an e-mail back to them. I addressed their e-mail in great detail, acknowledging both the flaws of many ex-JWs, but also the hope and comfort I find in Christ. It is too early to tell if anything I said will have any impact. My gut tells me that they will be back in the Watchtower for a while. I left the door open for them to always be friends, and to feel free to get back with me anytime they choose. I only asked that they not misrepresent me, and not minimize my faith any more than they want me to minimize theirs.

    Lesson Learned: What we as former members of the Watchtower Society say on the Internet can do much good. We also have an equal power to cause harm. I am reflecting back on many of my posts, which were at times rancorous, and I now feel especially bad for that. Most of my difficult posts were done in parody to make a point crystal clear. (They were posted under my old screen name). Those posts were done as part of my public growth. Some of them, nevertheless, were not really useful in public. Over the years I have received many thankful calls about how I have helped others, and only a handful of calls or e-mail telling me what a bad person I am. Still, this recent situation is so very painful, because I have no idea exactly what I may have said that contributed to their decision to return to the Watchtower organization.

    Are we here to help? Any web site or discussion board mission is solely under the control of its owner. Some sites want to help and provide a transition point. BRCI is a place for that. Some sites, like JWD have broader missions, which is fine. And the effort made by Simon and Co. to bump off sour grapes has likely been helpful. Other sites are so mean and rancorous that even experienced ex-JWs often avoid them. Many ex-JWs don't care one way or the other and their reason for being ambivalent vary greatly.

    I am lost as to what to do. I suppose there is nothing I can do. So I will wait and pray. I cannot understand why God would let two great people go back and waste their lives in the Watchtower all over again. Perhaps there is something they did not resolve. Who knows? Perhaps they forgot the unfairness they experienced. I have no way of know for sure.

    I can only hope that more and more ex-JWs will be more careful about what they say and write. I know that freedom is so very important to us. We of all know so well how a controlling organization can stifle the spirit. Yet, I still feel that somewhere in our world of discovery, freedom, and openness, we also need to show some sense of responsibility. Words do have power and they can cause great good and happiness or equally great harm and hurt.

    Out of respect, I have chosen to not do anymore with this couple or to reveal their names. But, I will grieve for them the rest of my life. And, maybe from this experience, I will post even less, and use even fewer words. The old expression to ?weigh your words carefully? really hits home right now. I care more for these people than my pet discoveries and freedom of expression. Although, I cannot point to anything I have said to them that would have tipped the scales, I still have this sinking feeling that it is high time to have a reality check, and make some changes in the way I deal with people, the sites I recommend, and the level of information I share.

    Thanks for reading my post. ? Jim W.

  • Mulan

    Jim, don't let yourself get too stressed over this. It isn't good for you.

    We know some people who go back and forth back and forth all the time. At the moment they are back too, and haven't talked to us in years, but I also know they will be back out one day too.

    As for God allowing it,...............I don't think he had a hand in it. But, I am one who feels that God doesn't deal with every aspect of our lives.

    I hope you feel better.

  • kls

    I am sorry these people that you care for have decided to return to their vomit which they had left and i don't know what sites they are talking about that have forced them to return,but i do believe they had doubts about leaving to org for a while. I find it hard to believe that some rude sites would send someone back after the hell one faces leaving the mind-control of this cult. Yes some can be very cruel but just like the org, you learn to take what is said with a grain of salt and not as insults and the fact that they took these words as insults shows me that deep down inside they were still very much in the org.

  • LittleToe

    Sorry to hear that tragic news, Jim.

    Knowing what we know, it's like a berievement.
    Fortunately many more see the light, rather than slipping back into the pit.

    I probably related this to you before but in 1995, when I first got onto the Internet, I stumbled across an exJW site.
    It wasn't until 2001 I would ever look at such material again, after I had already decided to leave.
    My reason, and in part the cause of those extra wasted year?
    The vitriol I saw there.
    Anger and hatred really come across and I believe that that, more than anything else, damages peoples view of exJW's as a group.

    You make excellent points, on that score. Thank you for the reminders to us all.

  • cruzanheart

    Amazing, all you can do is be yourself and let people take you or leave you. It's okay to make sure your behavior or comments are appropriate to the situation and not deliberately offensive in any way but, ultimately, please remember that what they did was THEIR CHOICE. You had no control over that.



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    While I totally agree that we need to weigh our printed words carefully before we put them out there I think you are taking way too much of their decision onto your shoulders.

    Either people deal with their issues or they don't. Blaming the ex-JW community, and only the on-line community that doesn't act in a way that pleases them, is a cop-out. They want some one to blame for their lives not going the way they thought.

    The ex-JW community is a lot larger than what we see posting on-line. Although the attribute their decision to those who don't behave or speak well they give no credit to those who continue to have a faith in God and the Bible, those who continue to live by Godly principles. They are only looking at one side.

    If you ask me they are still JWs in their hearts - judging the whole group of ex-JWs by the behavior of a few. And isn't that exactly what the WTS does?

    I left the WTS 20 years ago. From what I read it is a very different organization than when I left. They might be in for some very rude awakenings. Living in freedom for so long will make it even more difficult to live in slavery again. But that is their choice.

    I have been going through the archives and have seen your posts - well not seen them is more like it. (Still hoping they will be replaced one day). In every single instance that I have seen, people have thanked you for your comments. There has been agreement on your insight and great appreciation for them. Not once have I seen anyone take exception to your posts - not once. Mind you I haven't gone through the whole forum yet but I have probably done about 1/3 of it so far. Not once Jim.

    The pen (or in this case the computer) is a mighty sword. Weigh your words carefully but please do not take the blame for the decision of others to return to the WTS.

    Sincerely and with a great deal of respect for you


  • Sunspot

    **ultimately, please remember that what they did was THEIR CHOICE.

    Exactly. Like with anything else-from showing someone how to build a doghouse or to fix a vacuum cleaner---you can only show them and let THEM take (or not) the advice.

    It may be that the WTS is like an institution to some---they need the security of having their thinking and their lifestyle dictated to them. It represents a kind of security to some---and like those that are sometimes released from jail---they can't deal with life on the "outside' and get messed up when they try! Going "back" to what they "think" is security is the only comfortable option for some.

    Let it go, and be done with it. YOU did your best, and that's all that anyone can do...

    hugs always,


  • kls

    Remember that some people cannot handle the real world around them after being told how to live like a child, and having that security lost can be hard if not impossible for some.

  • BeautifulGarbage
    Yesterday, I get a long e-mail detailing how they finally got sick of ex-JW site, which only tell half-truths about the Watchtower Society. They went into how I am working and taking a stand against Jehovah. Finally, they talked about how they prayed, and asked Jehovah for help, and before long pride melted away, and they have seen the light. Their e-mail notified me that they were reinstated earlier this month. They concluded by urging me to leave the dark side, and return to Jehovah.


    I regret that you are distraught over the loss of your friends to the WTS. However, the dubious reason given does not convince me. Actually, it comes off as a being rather convenient one. And, quite frankly, most of us know that there is much more ?gentle? things to read than there are hostile. Also, there much more fact than fiction. In true diehard JW fashion, they CHOSE to focus on the hostile and the fiction and I refuse to take responsibility their decision.

    Again, I do hope they can find their way out again. The choice is theirs.

  • metatron

    I can recall documentaries made about defectors from Communist countries. A number of people wanted to go back, after a

    few years in the West, because they longed for a simple life of being told what to do and where to go. Post- Communist countries

    sometimes found themselves in the odd position of trying to push people into becoming more independent and entreprenuerial

    because years of childish dependence had to be overcome.

    The organization is full of a lot of lesser souls who can't cope without the immediate fantasies of "Armageddon Soon!"

    Things will change as the next generation of Witnesses become the impetus for a Watchtower "Half-Way Covenant" -

    and even your weak friends may vacillate. They changed once - and there is no chance for the development of any depth

    of thinking in the "truth" - that's all behind us now and Witnesses will strain to cope with a relentless push of 'dumbing down'

    in part, to maintain the control of the old Theocrats/Commissars.


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