Pyramids vs the Flood

by ezekiel3 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    XQs...About the Nephilim being in Canaan after the Flood, you're totally right about the Noah story being "cut and pasted" into the epic narrative (which assumes that the Nephilim, and the descendents of Cain, were still living into the time of Moses), I go into this subject in depth in the following thread:

    Noah originally was an agricultural hero, being the discoverer of wine. It was in a later stage that he became the Flood hero.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Another place where it conflicts is it states noah was commanded to gather every food eaten.

    Two foods he could not gather were in the garden of eden gaurded by that flaming living sword and angels. The tree of good and bad and the tree of life. So either God had a short memory or Noah (or the writer) did not know of the rest of the genesis account.

    Genesis 3
    24 So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

    Genesis 6 21 "As for you, take for yourself some of all food which is edible, and gather it to yourself; and it shall be for food for you and for them."
    22 Thus Noah did; according to all that God had commanded him, so he did.


  • VM44
    "the carefulness, truthfulness, and moral integrity of the Egyptian scribes Watchtower Writers are by no means above suspicion"


  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    this link might give some close up. Thanks Leo for thy good work


  • shotgun

    If you have a copy of the December 2003 Awake magazine dealing with taxes note the first page of the article.

    The WT uses two quotes to show taxes have been a concern for thousands of years.

    The first quote is from a Babylonian artifact dated to 2300 bce. The problem that presents is that only 69 years previous the world had been destroyed by a global flood according to WT chronology.

    Which means that in a mere 69 years Noah and his three sons have produced a nation with sufficient infrastructure to require taxation.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Who writes the Awake! and are they JWs?

    They always print articles that disprove or contradict the watchtower's doctrines on a repeated basis. If JWs read the Awake! and the watchtower how come nobody ever notices? And how come they don't well bring up these points that some of the JWs beliefs are so dodgy that even party line JWs working at bethel have a hard time writing non biased literature that does not refute them?

  • Sirona

    What a great thread. I read somewhere that egyptian records were kept well before 3000bc and there is no break in the record keeping. For the watchtower to simply say "we can't trust them" is absolutely ridiculous! Are they trying to suggest that Egypt's own records of kings etc. was fabricated?


  • LittleToe

    Locally we have a Megalithic site called "The Callanish Stones".
    It's dated variously, but shows a culture that had a good grasp of astronomy kinda quick, for a post-flood peopla.

  • shotgun

    Check out the link...I went to this display a few weeks ago..fantastic!!

  • funkyderek

    Newgrange passage tomb in Ireland was built around 3200 BC. According to WT chronology, Adam and Eve would still have been alive at this time.

    I think a lot of JWs are vaguely aware of these problems but simply ignore the established chronology while muttering something about carbon-dating being inaccurate and "pagan" records being falsified.

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