"So, in 230 years you get the wonder of the world and a complete civilization? Talk about a quick-build."
ROFLMAO! The ultimate quick build.No wonder the early WTS fathers tried to claim it as some sign from Jehovah. Too bad it was Pagan and they can't use the example of the slaves who built the pyramids to urge the brothers and sisters to "do more" in the quick build work.
Great thread, btw! Thanks to all you historians who contributed.
Pyramids vs the Flood
by ezekiel3 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
I am indebted to AlanF for this information regarding the Egyptian calendar.
The Egyptian calendar was based on a 365 day year, as ours is, but they didn't compensate for the additional 0.2422 days (6 hours) which make up a solar year, as we do with an extra day every four years. So every four years their New Year's day came one day earlier. So the calendar sort of revolved itself through the seasons every (4 * 365) 1460 years (One day every four years x 365 days in a year).
From 2nd century C.E. records we know that the calendar again corresponded to the proper seasons in about 140-144 C.E. From earlier direct
records we know that the Egyptians used this calendar at least as far back as two of these 1460-year cycles before then, which gets back to about 2780 B.C. Pyramid texts going even further back mention certain aspects of the shifting calendar. Going back one more full cycle gets to about 4241 B.C. which is the official date for the beginning of the Egyptian calendar. This calendar was extremely sophisticated for its time, and became the basis for the Julian calendar adopted by the Romans, which was in general use until about the 16th to 18th centuries, being replaced by today's Gregorian calendar.If the Egyptians were able to begin this calendar at a specific date, then they must have had a stable civilization for many hundreds of years before, in order to make enough observations of the seasons and astronomical phenomena to determine that a year was pretty close to, if not exactly, 365 days. That gets us back to at least roughly 7000 years ago for the beginning of the Egyptian civilization.