Pyramids vs the Flood

by ezekiel3 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • undercover
    I think a lot of JWs are vaguely aware of these problems but simply ignore the established chronology while muttering something about carbon-dating being inaccurate and "pagan" records being falsified.

    So what do some of you think of carbon-dating. I spent some time trying to learn about it on-line the other day and actually came away a bit confused. The nay-sayers seemed to have some valid points as to why carbon-dating can't be trusted. But on the other hand, I got the impression that people who use carbon-dating, don't necessarily rely on just that to date things. They compare it to other factors and come up with a best guess scenerio, which seems reasonable to me.

  • ezekiel3

    Shotgun! Wow, I researched what you said and sans picture we have proof!

    *** g03 12/8 p. 3 Growing Resentment Against Taxes? ***

    "If I toil it is snatched away from me."?Babylonian proverb, about 2300 B.C.E

    To review: Flood happened 2370 BC, Babel's (later to become Babylon) languages confused 2189 BC (according to WTS).

    Case closed, WT Society can get off their thumbs now.

  • willyloman

    Interesting thread. Anyone who's been a dub for the past 25 years knows full well that the Society itself no longer believes in its own chronology. They haven't gotten around to saying that, yet, but when was the last time you saw anything written by the WTS that upheld the once-sacred "seven creative days of 7,000 years" view which held that the earth was now 48,000 years old and on the eve of the Millenium promised by Jesus Christ?

    There's also been a subtle shift (but we've noticed) in WTS writings covering geological and historical topics -- i.e., now the earth is "billions of years old," a timespan that a few decades ago was usually described in fuzzier terms in order to protect their "inspired" chronology.

  • RunningMan

    The first quote is from a Babylonian artifact dated to 2300 bce. The problem that presents is that only 69 years previous the world had been destroyed by a global flood according to WT chronology.

    Which means that in a mere 69 years Noah and his three sons have produced a nation with sufficient infrastructure to require taxation.

    Actually, not quite. You see, Babylon could not have existed until the after the dispersal at the tower of Babel in 2189 BC (by JW chronology). This means that the Babylonian culture was founded, flourished, and grew large enough to require taxation in negative 111 years. Now, that's progress.

  • Leolaia

    The oldest living bristlecone tree is 4,767 years old -- that it, it germinated around 2765 BC. One that was cut earlier this century was 4,950 years old, dating back to about 3000 BC. A creosote bush in Arizona is thought to be 11,700 years old. The king's holly plant of Tasmania likewise reproduces asexually (it cannot produce germinating seeds) and in the specimen that has been studied, the process of self-cloning has been going on for at least 43,000 years.

    These plants antedate the Flood that supposedly was also responsible for enormous geological changes those crazy scientists attribute to glaciation and gradual erosion.

    But then there are the ice cores from Greenland and other places. Has the Society said anything about them? I'd not be surprised if they haven't because they disprove "Bible chronology" and the Flood myth in one fell swoop. These ice cores furnish a year-by-year record of the climate going back 100,000 or even 200,000 years. Instead of massive sediment-laying and catastrophic climactic and atmospheric change around 2370 BC, the cores show a period of stasis extending back to the last glaciation. And there are many ways to independently check the dating. Pollen contained within the ice cores can be carbon-dated; carbon dates going back 60,000 years were obtained for the Greenland core and were all in essential agreement with the matching ice-layer dates. This evidence, along with the Irish oak tree rings, helps calibrate more precisely existing radiocarbon dates. The counting of ice rings back to the 1600s has been verified by the measurement of beryllium-10 which matches historical records of sunspots. The sediment has been dated with uranium-thorium dating to 30,000 years which matches the ice ring count with a variance of less than 2%. Ice rings can also be compared against tree rings counted in dendrochronology; the former attests a volcanic eruption in 1645 BC (probably that of Thera in the Mediterranean), whereas the latter places the eruption in 1628 BC. The discrepency is thus only 17 years for a time depth of 3,600 years. The ice cores thus constitute a terribly devastating line of evidence against the religious belief that the Flood occurred only 2370 BC and the development of ancient civilizations after that date.

  • ezekiel3

    Leolaia: I am very interested in your information about ice cores and tree rings. Please post your sources.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    um they are every day tools of the trade. So common they are makings action movies about ice cores (the day after tomarrow). Not to mention cores from the bottom of rivers and lakes and even the ocean. If there was a global flood God must have felt guilty and not only secretly ressurected people and created more animals,but restored the planet to its pre flood condition. Or like the bible said that he did actually destory the heavens and earth and somehow this is new one.

  • Leolaia

    Here's a few for starters, but I'm sure there are others that are better:

    In particular, there was an article I read in Discover or Scientific American last year or so that gave a great synopsis of what scientists are able to learn from ice cores. I don't remember the reference.

    As for the ages of the oldest living plants, just do a google search on "oldest living thing".

  • Ratboy

    This is a fascinating thread to say the least! I have to take a trip up to Vancouver BC and peruse the artifacts.

  • jaredg

    This is an intresting topic. I haven't ever given much thought to WT chronology besides the whole fall of Jerusalem thing in 607 CE. However what I have always wondered about concerning the Flood and the story of Noah is how in the hell did he get all those animals and plantlife in the Ark? When I was a JW I just tried to ignore it but now I realise that I can stand on my own reasoning so I have concluded that the Flood never happened. The chronology presented in this thread had confirmed my belief.


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