Thank you. The funny thing is I wrote that post drunk.
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee 115 Replies latest social relationships
I am new to this JW thing. I am currently invovled in a similar situation. My bf and I have been together for a little over a year now. When we started dating he told me nothing about the JW. Then about 3 months in he told me his dad was one. When he explained it to me, my bf really didn't have anything to do with the JW.
Then recently this year he told me he started going to "book study" last year. And he has also started going to meetings. This has put a great strain on our relationship. I am a Catholic and very proud of my beliefs. My bf and I are trying to explore religion. I feel he needs to find out the truth about the JWs. I have tried to show him or turn him on to the real Christainity but he refueses to believe it because he says the JWs back everything up from the bible. In truth though it gets very twisted.
Both of us have consitered moving on, but cannot until we know for sure that we cannot work. With all these posts I read I feel I do need to end it. But since he is not offically a JW I feel there still may be help. Do
Does anyone have any idea how to help a person who is considering becoming one and trying to get them out of the organization before its too late?
This has caused much grief in my life, but I cannot just let him go. I would definitely discourage anyone who is starting a relationship wiht a JW not to do it. It's too painful and a lot of things are easier said than done.
Welcome to the board, MM. Your boyfriend has been studying for a year, which is not good at all. I swear, they start warning those who study to "expect opposition" by the second week. So any protests on your part simply look like confirmation that he is on the right track. Also, with JW's there is almost no such thing as a neutral third party where those with different beliefs can find some common ground. It really is "all or nothing".
If he is at all open, would he consider going to an "Alpha Program" somewhere in your neighbourhood? It is an informal sharing of the Christian faith, and many different denominations run the program, including Catholics.
Lady Lee
Thanks for all the input here. Nos that was a great list.
For those who are reading this list you may be interested in what others have experienced regards to relationships with JWs
Thank you so much jgnat. I found an alpha program near me that starts this Sun. I have yet to talk to my bf. but I'm sure he will. He has told me he is willing to try anything with me. This has been an answer to my prayers. I was trying to figure out the next step for us and I think this will be perfect. I will keep everyone updated on how this goes. I really apperciate the advice and support.
im new at this site because i am looking for help and answers concerning JW's and relationships. i have been dating a JW for a little over seven months. he has always technically been a JW but has not practiced it in many years. just recently he decided to begin practicing it again. this is where it starts. we are both young...about 17, and we are both truly in love with eachother. but as of today, he is not sure that we can continue dating because his religion says that you cannot date until you are ready for marrige. i really dont know what to do because i havent loved anyone like i love him. i am willing to accept his religion wholeheartly and i have told him that. i am just looking for some guidence and some promising words from every1 out there...if you are or know a lot about JW's please help me to understand it more and what a big impact it has on relationships. thanks. bestofme123
Lady Lee
the alpha programs are held in a person's house so that might make it easier for him to go. No one will preach to either of you. it really is a sharing. And a meal is included. He may have a hard time with the prayers and the music but he doesn't have to participate. People of all different religions attend the Alpha courses. When I went there were a few Jewish ladies who just wanted some more info on this whole Christ thing. And there was never any pressure to conform. people accept you for where ever youy happen to be. Hope this info will help you convince him to go.
bestof me
I hate to tell you this but you better do some heavy duty research. I posted a link above
The Best of... I'm married to or dating a JW
Use it and read some of the other experiences of people in situations like yours
thanks for your post. the sites that you gave me are really helping. i am still looking for a specific answer that i am trying very hard to find. is it possible for him to still date and still stay true to his religion? bestofme123
Lady Lee
is it possible for him to still date and still stay true to his religion? bestofme123
Well he "can" date. But the JWs will give a hard time about it. They will demand to know if you are having sex and what kind of sex, even if you are kissing. Depending on the elders they may want him to stop dating you. And if he continues to see you he will be looked at as a weak witness and one to be avoided. If they think you are having sex he could be thrown out. And as much as we like to see people get out if he is 17 and lives with his family or has family that are in his life will be very difficult especially if he wants to remain a JW.
People are not allowed to just walk away from this "religion". You get thrown out (disfellowshiped) or are forced to resign (disassociate). Neither of these are honorable ways to leave because frineds and family will often treat the person as though they are dead.
Lady Lee,
Please check this out...