Hi Missy , i know where you are coming from in connection with your question.
Recently i have started reading the bible without all the WT publications and i came across a number of things that made me think.(i,m not telling you shouldnt read any of their publications as there is a lot of infomative information in them.But there is also alot of stuff that would make your mind boggle- so i will remain neutral when it comes to WT publications)
One eg and to be perfectly honest with you, i lead my life daily by this one portion of scripture coming straight from the mouth of jesus.
At matthew 18:16-19 tells us how a young man wanted to know what to do to get everlasting life?
Jesus replied by saying observe the commandments continually!....which ones :the man asks
Jesus says: why,you must not murder ,steal ,commit, adultery etc...and then in verse 19 finally says honor your father and mother and you must love your neighbor as yourself! // But then Jesus stops at that point ....He didnt go into a huge amount of detail ...Just the basics of living a peaceful life .
Of course Jesus did mention many things throughout the scriptures and of course the most important commandment is that we must love God with our whole heart ,soul and mind. We would do this by applying the basics of the above mentioned and praying to him to keep these commands that we can be at peace with ourselves, our neighbors and most importantly with God.
It was only after that he pressed Jesus further in verses 20-24 by saying that, he was doing these things what was he lacking. jesus said to him if you want to be perfect (note he didnt say he was lacking but if he wanted to be perfect) go sell your belongings and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come be my follower.The young man was grieved at this as he had a lot of possesions .Then Jesus went on to say about it being difficult to be a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven etc
But the point i take from this scripture was that this man was sincere and that he was keeping the commandments . If he had not asked what am i lacking Jesus would probably not have mentioned to him if he was to be perfect.Yes if he had done exactly as Jesus had said ..sold his belongings and followed him ..His reward would have been great and clearly that would be the case.
But did that mean to say that he wouldnt gain everlasting life by not selling his possesions etc.
The very fact he was asking Jesus what he had to do to gain everlasting life showed he believed Jesus was the messiah .He was keeping the commandments and as far as i can see he was on the way to everlasting life by keeping the commandments and believing that Jesus was the way ,the truth and the life.
So to cut a long story short .I base my life very much around the principles of this portion of scripture .Although i do have my weaknesses like everyone else , i still try to live in accord with what Jesus simply said here.I also read the Bible Daily and love much of what Jesus says .I find that i can approach God Jehovah/Yahweh through Jesus and speak to him as a friend as well as being my God.
Put simply i just try to lead as good a life as i can and enjoy every moment to the fullest and treat people of all sorts the way Jesus would have,with respect and dignity as far as a person can .
I hope this hasnt been to long winded for you.But dont be afraid of the bible .There are things hard to understand .But just look at the simple message it is trying to give ie to show love to your neighbour (everyone) and to love God with all your Heart,soul and mind.