I would have to say one of the things that disturbs me most about the witnesses would be the man-made rules....in my opinion, they follow alot of them.
The Holiday thing.....OK here is my biggest problem with that: I have heard witnesses say that all the accounts in the Bible of holidays being celebrated turned out badly...the evil people were the ones celebrating..ect. blah blah blah. So therefore we shouldn't celebrate holidays. No, I don't buy that.
Jehovah's witnesses have get-togethers with food and have drinks...what's the difference between celebrating a holiday and finding a reason to get together and have some fun?? I can go to a Christmas get-together or Thanksgiving with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, little cousins and my parents and not lay a hand on a drink..obviously..im not 21...and none of my family that is of age gets drunk either, or even drinks usually. Not that it would matter to me all that much unless they had a brawl...yah right..that would really happen.
And I can see my friends who are not Jehovah's Witnesses and hang around with them every once in a while. If they drink, I don't have to. None of my friends have "spoiled good habits" of mine. Actually, in some cases, I've helped them to start good habits, and vice versa.
The blood issue,..a blood transfusion saved my mom's life. Considering the fact that in the Bible I haven't read anywhere about not taking blood transfusions, I think everybody should be able to make their own decision and it should be fine.
If I want to have peircings, I can have my peircings. You can say our bodies are temples of God or whatever it says in the Bible, (And I beleive what I read in the Bible), but if Witnesses can have their ear peircings, then I can have my eyebrow ring. (which i feel absolutely naked without, now)
And we LIVE in the world. Where does a group of men draw the line as to what we should and should not do so that we aren't 'loving the world'? I think that basically means that we should follow our conscience..and if we do that we'd be doing fine for the most part.
I won't follow any man made rule or a religion that revolves around them.