I believe you are right. Either Robert is composing another sermon or he is going to try and avoid my last two questions and not make another attempt to converse with me. He has responded with a little double talk in an attempt to avoid the direct questions I had asked. He used a layman's tactic in trying to change the original question because he knows he cannot answer it. I don't think he is even interested in making an attempt of giving a logical answer because he only has the ability to answer questions that he can quote scriptures with to try and back himself up. In this case he knows there are none. My secondary questions gave him a little idea of where he "thinks" I'm going with all this but I believe he has figured out enough about me to know he is venturing into a discussion that will end up way out of his level of understanding and expertise.
Robert is a smart guy but his level of intelligence has been too focused on things that are out of the realm of creative thinking abilities. He is in essence very lost outside of his scripture quoting capabilities in relation to the art of argumentation. I venture to guess that Robert knows his expertise is only effective in relation to his position he has created in his no mans land and that he not only needs this board, but also the ones he pretends to dislike. This is because the people here have a knowledge in the realm of his only expertise and he can debate subjects that they and he are familiar with, without fear of any real repercussions.
It is very obvious that anything that has to do with real human nature and even slightly touches on the subject of human psychology is far from his level of understanding. In this respect he has given himself away several times and he doesn't even know he did. In a thread someone asked for help in babies names and he replied. He became a bit sarcastic by offering names like Nimrod, Jezebel, and Delilah but the main thing is he replied to a thread that is out side of his stated reason for being on this board. He thus showed himself to be a member of this tribe as opposed to just an irritating adversary.
Robert has put himself in a very unique and precarious position. His revealing a little about his personal life has given me a few of the pieces that are quickly filling in the puzzle of who he is and how he thinks. First of all "if" he really and truly believed he was one of the so called "anointed" JW's there is absolutely no way he would spend time on this board let alone be a regular poster here. His claim to have done heroin told me a lot about him if he did indeed do a little heroin. I won't go into the complete break down on why certain people go to such a drastic level of psychological hibernation but he represents a perfect profile for one segment of those kinds of people. If he is lying about the heroin then he fits the profile in the same way but without the level of conviction he professes.
In simple terms Robert is an extremely lost person with an enormously inflated ego. He has set himself up to be a god like individual. This is a very dangerous level of delusion. When someone puts themselves in that high level of self worth and social need the delusion must continue or the crash will be personally catastrophic. Robert is the poster child for the dangerous psychological platform of "all or nothing." His level of egotism acts as a burier to action from his depression and is far beyond most peoples more common bouts with depression or manic episodes. He has set himself up so high in his psychoses he has no where else to go but all the way to the bottom if he eventually comes to grips with reality. My guess is he has spent some time at the very bottom and his fear of it has made him elevate himself to the position he now professes to be in. He is extremely out of balance. He will deny blatantly obvious proof that his thoughts and comments are wrong because to even slightly accept even one thought of his position being wrong means that he will loose his delusion and probably end up dead.
Robert being a somewhat intelligent person has chosen a perfect vehicle to elevate his ego and retain his delusion. That is religion. Its perfect in that there is no absolute proof of him being proven wrong. There is also no absolute proof in showing anyone he is right ether. Religion is a constant work in progress with as many avenues of thought and belief as could be dreamed up by others just like Robert. Nobody knows what is right or wrong until they are dead. It's perfect for him. It is an even better place to hide the reality of life then the hardest drugs on the planet. This is why it has been said that religion is the opium of the masses. Both drugs and religion tend to get people out of thinking about their every day life and gives them a place to alter their thought patterns. Both give them a high when they are down and a high when they are up. Both take a person away from having to deal with things using their own inner strength. Don't get me wrong, there are drugs that do very good things for people just as there are religions that do the same thing. It is the abuse of both religion and drugs that the problems start to arise. Robert is definitely abusing religion to keep him were he is in life.
Robert is smarter than the rank and file JW and he knows it. It shakes up his delusion of being god like now that the evidence of frailty of that religion is becoming quite apparent. Instead of admitting the fraud in the religion is direct proof it is wrong he has pushed himself up even higher on the delusion scale and has raised himself not only above his religion but has in fact created a special place for him to feel safe as well as superior to it. He feels that when the religion is finally exposed he we feel he has separated himself far enough from it to continue on in his dangerous state of mind. He can then say "I told you so." His psychosis is having one hell of a war with his intelligence and his psychosis is winning. My buddy Robert is certainly a psychologists wet dream.
These are just some of my own thoughts concerning Robert. I may be wrong, but having the ability to be open minded about things and not feeling superior to anyone allows me to make comments like I have and accept the fact that they may indeed be wrong. This is where Robert fails to win any kind of an argument. He has to be right at all costs.
It will be interesting to see if he responds to this in any kind of a logical or rational manner. My guess is he will resort to his old and stale tactics. I guess we will just have to wait and see.