Quit trying to suck up, I told you before, you can't have my bud lite!
by seven006 42 Replies latest jw friends
Quit trying to suck up, I told you before, you can't have my bud lite!
All right!
Quit messing with with the gods!
Gen. 1:27
in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them
If he created man in his image, and he created them male *and* female, then god is a hermaphrodite.
J then proceeded to find man a mate among the animals, but there were few hermaphrodites.
J then took out a rib from the first hermaphrodite human and made the first sex change operation transforming man into the two genders.
If I wanted your opinion, I would beat it out of you (seen in a bumper sticker)
Are you hiding from me? Did my line of questioning stump you? I'm not done with you yet.
How do you expect me to convince you that some of us stupid apostates have something to teach you if you don't continue to play the game? Aren't we pals anymore?
Inquiring minds want to know.