What sports are considered violent and forbidden by Jehovah?

by jwbloodline 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BroBennett

    It is important to know that this world is still under Satan's [influence], very strange that you would think I would have to comfort someone with a history of molestation since I have no clue how disturbing it is to go through that. I do know that there are ways on preventing, and thus keeping a person from being exposed to such an environment. So I was able to provide the next best thing, the reason and cause of so much discussing filth on the earth... Satan and other demonic influence. I could go into more detail if we were in another subject, that is why I kept it short and to the point with the cause of such filth in our day.

    If I have found any evidence or was told by a young child for help, nothing would stop me from helping since my Bible trained conscience would not allow it. The same goes with this topic since that is why I am posting here, I have evidence that this sport should not be practiced. If I was told ahead of time that I would be kicked out of a cong for helping a child, then I would still remain steadfast in telling the truth and be making calls till someone does something. I would hold on to that evidence till the truth came out.

    My comment was true about the ones that are more inclined to go with the flow, the young. What was good is now considered bad, and what is bad is considered good by many teenagers. Breeding pedophiles are more common in other religions since they are kept in circulation and not taken out of the religion. There are many disfellowshiped ones that are taken out of Jehovah's organization for a reason. Lets look at what happens to the evidence in other less refined religions in our day. If a priest gets in trouble with some "christian" organization... they just get placed somewhere else and thus the cycle continues. Money needs to keep flowing so it is unfortunate for those false religions to keep unclean ones. Jehovah's Witnesses on the other hand do not depend on one or two public talkers to teach but they are all encouraged to grow and stay clean and to be fine motivating speakers.


    If I wanted to discuss the pedophile issue fully, I would be in that topic, But look, I am in this sports topic, has nothing to do with child molestation right?

    Every single convention, every single month, these motivation speakers tell us all to abstain from porn, if someone starts looking at this they could see other forms of this twisted filth. Child porn is common on the internet and is tied in with child molesters. So you telling me that my true religion is a breeding ground for child molestation is by far an insult to me and whoever is a righteous man of our God Jehovah.

  • formerout


    Thank you for the idea of starting a topic on child molestation and how the WTBTS is working at preventing it. I am very interested in finding out information on proactive steps that your organization is taking to prevent it.

    The topic will be entitled "The WTBTS's proactive steps at preventing child molestation." For now it will be in the "Child Abuse" area of the forum. I hope you can convince me that it should be changed to "Friends" or "Family" section. I really, really do hope you can convince me that a change is deserved.

    I invite you to be fully involved in the discussion.


  • BroBennett


    Here is the site you should go to for further help, http://www.watchtower.org/

    I am sure they can give further proof as to what kinds of sports are practical for a christian to take part in. There are way too many ExJw's in here for your own good, they have gone weak and have adopted the ways of the world, they have been molded into badgers, snakes, and vultures.

    Tell me more about the moves that are performed by the sport and some web sites that explain the sport more fully.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    I believe that says it all.....

  • 144001


    You said, "Breeding pedophiles are more common in other religions since they are kept in circulation and not taken out of the religion. There are many disfellowshiped ones that are taken out of Jehovah's organization for a reason."

    First, I'm not sure what a "breeding" pedophile is, but nevertheless, you assert that they are "more common in other religions." What evidence do you have to support this claim? The fact that you have to disfellowhip "many" is an indication that there is or was an abundance of pedophiles in the organization. What steps, if any, are being taken to safeguard the children from these predators?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Brobennett said:

    If a priest gets in trouble with some "christian" organization... they just get placed somewhere else and thus the cycle continues. Money needs to keep flowing so it is unfortunate for those false religions to keep unclean ones.

    This is precisely what Jw's did in Texas. They moved a pedophile elder from Dumas to Amarillo. They never told a soul and he was soon at his nastiness in the new cong. The whole story is carefully documented with news articles ect on www.silentlambs.org

    My oh my - how we ignore facts and just jump back to the old refrain - of how we would act in that situation.

    You won't get much support for your apologetics here


  • JustTickledPink

    Your question was

    What sports are considered violent and forbidden by Jehovah?

    The answer is NONE.

    What sports are considered violent and forbidden by THE JEHOVAHS WITNESS RELIGION? Everything under the sun. But take God out of the equation. Exercise is good for your body and mind.

  • jwbloodline

    thank you all for the replies..

    the first post, I know there is some Jw's that are expelled and would try to throw me off.. The truth there is nothing that I haven't seen.

    I've been stabbed, shot at, been in jail, lived on the streets. My family are all Jw's and I'm barely comin back to my sensess. I was born in the truth but I fell off at age of 8. I used to gang bang. So bad influence with words don't affect me or make me curious. thanks for the warning.

    Blondie.. Good looking out.

    As far as Jiu Jitsu having a history of false religous and meditation. Yes you are right about that..

    when the martial migrated to brazil. the tradiational moves and religious side of it never migrated. In BJJ we don't even bow to our teacher. and he is our instructor, not our sensi, or she-do-she, .. he's just like a homie... My teacher is mexican. he don't care about non of that.. just the techniques of jiu jitsu. It's like going to gym class.. lol

    any comments?

    I like this forum but .. So this forum is full of Ex withness trying to hate or what?

  • formerout


    As far as if you should be practicing BJJ, that is up to you. Some JW's will say it's OK, others will say it's not. Most here who are ex-JW's will say that you should be free to practice it fully, UNLESS you are using it to harm other people or to take advantage of them in any other way. That is the reasonable approach.

    the first post, I know there is some Jw's that are expelled and would try to throw me off.. The truth there is nothing that I haven't seen.

    I've been stabbed, shot at, been in jail, lived on the streets. My family are all Jw's and I'm barely comin back to my sensess. I was born in the truth but I fell off at age of 8. I used to gang bang. So bad influence with words don't affect me or make me curious. thanks for the warning.

    Sorry for your rough life. You have obviously seen the other side of the law, etc. People that are suggesting that the JW's are not a good religion are doing it from experience and from careful study of their belief structure. Their arguments are sound. If you completely condemn them it is in fact the "bad words" about them given to you by the WTBTS that is responsible for that.


  • jwbloodline

    brad- I believe in jehovah and nothing will change that. As far as me learning. I have so much to learn.

    Most religious orginizations like to pick and chose what is good for them and consider it "ok" because they are not doing wrong. but gods word is his word and nothing can change that. I most def know what's right and wrong and have all my life. I have never attacked jehovah or his orginization, I have never spoke about about any withness because he/she is a withness. I think lots of witness kids go back cause i guess this isn't for everybody. Being a witness is hard in a sense but simplifies because you have love for jehovah. I would never give anyone advice knowing that i'm in the mix you can say. I have worldly assosiations that i'm knee deep in you can say and one day I will get out. Sooner I hope. the more I learn the better for me. I'm still a bible student but I know better. Satan has used almost every method to keep me in the world. i wonder if jiu jitsu is one of them and i don't know yet. I had to ask this question cause I felt i was important.

    I'll have to see..

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