My story, please read

by fairchild 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairchild

    Hi Double edge,

    Thank you for the welcome. It's been a strange few days for me.

  • fairchild

    Hi again double edge,

    Seems I did it again, every once in a while, my reply seems to 'send' while I'm still typing it. Must be me for sure!

    One of the things that really attracts me to JW's is the fact that they dismiss the whole idea of the trinity. After reading the bible several times, I find no proof that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one, on the contrary! Some might get a laugh out of this one, but I have heard the trinity being labeled as daddy, jubior and spook.

    Don't worry, I type at a fair speed and my vacation starts on Sunday, so I will have time to catch up on sleep. And nono, no genius. Just an ordinary girl.

    Hi lazyslob, what a cute name. Thanks for the link, it had already been given to me by someone a couple days ago and I've been doing some reading there.

    NewLight, I copied the titles. As I never give out a credit card number on line, it would be hard to order, but I think I'll be able to order them through Barnes and Noble, that store is always good to me when I order books, which I do quite often. I usually spend my money on books before I spend it on food.

    Hi outoftheorg,

    Wow that is quite a story. I appreciate you taking the time to tell it, and see that is was indeed not an overnight decision. No sense in pretending that I can imagine what you went through, because I can't. I can only hope that you have found peace of mind now and that life will share its better moments with you as well. Thank you very much for your time, outoftheorg.

  • NewLight2
  • fairchild

    Newlight, thank you so very much, going to check it out right now

  • Dan-O
    It were the JW's who brought me food and made sure I survived those tough days.

    That part is surprising.

    After talking about this with an elder, he suggested I study some more
    in my mind there's this little voice that says I'm not worthy and Jehovah does not approve of me.

    Those parts are not much of a surprise.

  • one


    CoC is a mjust read book for any wanabe jw...

    CoC is a book written by Raymond Franz around 1980 available at WWW.COMMENTARYPRESS.COM.

    Ray Franz was a member of the GB, a very respected one. I know him and his wife personally since my childhood, my family had a very good friendship with them.

    He was responsbille for the writting of some of the best books ever published by the WT, including the 'biblical encyclopedia' "Aid to Bible Understanding"

    He knew the WT inside out, in fact many of us in this forum also know the WT even better than most inside the WT at the present time.

    The common denominator among the participant of this forum is that we were able to "see" and/or were treated in very uncristian ways BY the org. (read CoC) or by indidivuduals and elders WITH the approval of the org.

    You personally may be associated with a nice jw group AND your common sense have not been put to test.

    I you ever question a doctrine or make a mistake, according to wt, your good pioneer friend will most likely be the one to first go to the elders and blow the whistle, that is how jw members are conditioned

    What do you think of an org or government that fire or put in jail anyone for expressing a different point of view, or just question a policy? Shunning by your own friends and family is no better..

    WT may have started with a good intention, obviously now many doctrines, if not all, were/are not even biblically based, not to mention reasonable. It is hard to beleive that individuals who start a religion have a bad intention.

    Like any org, WT started ( still is ) covering up mistakes, spinning wrong doctrines, instead of to acknowledge it was a mistake, once discovered. "Victims of Victms", the show have to continue.

    For example during 1995 wt had NO CHOICE but to discard the 1914 generation as the "LAST" one. A VERY IMPORTANT change which sent many jw into mental depression. I was shocked when i read about it, so was a DO friend o mine.

    BUT they have NOT discarted, at least no publicly YET, 1914 as a pivotal year when the famous "2520 years" ended, they stick to 607 BCE.

    If they do that the WHOLE THEOLOGY FRAMEWOKK comes down, mainly there would be no support for the FDS, faithfull and discrete Slave.

    The FDS is THE keystone to the recent, 'modern' jw religion. They had to justify being a VERY new religion..

    BTW the year 1975, was a fiasco for the WT, if you know what i mean. (read CoC). Also 1914 and 1925 were fiasco years. Prior to 1925 it was widely proclaimed that "millions now living will never die", since the 19 century when the WT started it has been one failed prophecy after another but they cover up with "new light"

    Present WT is the product of a half smart lawyer, you know what lawyers are famous for, AND this one was very peculiar. .

    "Take two pills", Read CoC first than anything else and call me in the morning.

  • NewLight2

    CoC stands for "Crisis of Conscience" the book written by Ray Franz
    Who was a member of the Governing Body

  • anuva

    hi fairchild

  • anuva

    hi fairchild

    i understand your points about we cannot afford to be nice to everyone, and they are also same to us.

    you know a interesting thing with my sweet girlfriend.

    i got Confused and amazed , when she told me , about millions of JWs and the WTBTS.

    All JWS ARE good people, do not do bad things...etc...etc.....i understood it in my heart there and then that SOME loving people in small number around her had made her mind twisted into beleiving that ALL JW are good!!

    isn't that Exploitation of heart ?

    love and peace


  • Sunbeam

    Hi Fairchild

    I've been reading through your post and it struck a chord, especially what you say about struggling with guilt. I haven't posted on the board for a while, but I couldn't see any replies explaining the 'born-again' Christian viewpoint of life, which is another you may wish to consider. Apologies if this has already been included and I missed that part of the thread or if this is something you've already heard.

    I became a Christian 5 years ago, after hearing the gospel - not the JW's 'Kingdom' gospel of a new future under a new government, but the gospel of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and of his current and future kingdom. This gospel was such good news to me because, like you, I wanted to be closer to God but felt my guilt/sin was a barrier. When I heard that Jesus had died to pay the price for all that guilt/sin forever, I prayed to him to ask for forgiveness and to give him control of my life. He answered and my life has taken a totally different path since then, out of ignorance and darkness into his amazing light.

    What the Watchtower teaches is very logical and convincing and often Biblical, and many of their members are kind, sincere people. But it is impossible to keep to the perfect standard Jesus sets and so the Watchtower sets up an external code of morality. If you obey all their laws you can be convinced you are 'in good standing' with God. But what is needed is a supernatural change of heart, the 'new birth', to become a new creation. This can only come from Jesus himself, who the Watchtower forbids you from worshipping or praying to. He said 'come to me all who are burdened and weary and I will give you rest', he talks about rest for your soul, his peace which I see as peace of mind and of reconciliation with God. Joining an organisation can never do this for you. You are right that we are not worthy, but God loves us so much he sent his son to die for us. You certainly can know that he approves of you.

    The Watchtower teaches that some of their members (the anointed, the 144,000) experience this new birth and 'know'/have assurance that they will go to heaven. But this isn't an elite experience for a limited number, this is what all 'born-again' Christians experience (and this covers all the denominations, not just 1 organisation). It brings feelings of indescribable joy and a deep peace, the 'peace of God that passes all understanding'. Don't let the Watchtower deny you this peace.

    If you want to join an organisation, first seek Jesus and then seek a bunch of people who believe he alone can save them. Join an organisation that teaches that membership of their organisation can never save, only Jesus. I've found a good one close to me (, I hope you can do the same.

    All the best with your search


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