Lately something has bothered me as regards to many on JWD who wonder what to do, once they have found the Organisation to be a destructive, mind controling sect. Aside from these ones deciding how to exit without causing a judicial meeting nor a stir among the publishers, it whether or not they want to risk their Marriage and or family ties.
Many on this site have related how their marriage fell to pieces because the dub mate could not accept their loved one "leaving Jehovah", and they could never meet in the middle to save the marriage. Others who leave, push their dub mate away by their constant verbal expressions against the organisation...because they THINK they should....hence, the marriage falls apart.
Here's the hard part I don't know the answer to. Is it the wisest course for one to leave the cult once they are convinced it has no life-saving biblical truths that a person must subscribe to, and that they have every right to now believe as they wish and live their life as they wish......knowing they will no doubt lose the ones they love in marriage along with close family bonds?
Or....could they/should they/ keep their marriage and family together and fake it? If they do this they live a lie, risk a possible but slight chance of losing their life by others withholding blood from them if needed, and a few other things.
I realise it's a catch 22 ....or a no win situation for those not familiar with that phrase. I have always been on the side to believe not to live a lie and exit the cult......yet I see the pain resulting from some who choose this path and I wonder if the pain is worth the freedom. I'll leave this open at this point.................