Freedom or Bondage.....a Hard Choice for Many

by gumby 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    Golf.....I realise where you are coming from, but this wasn't about people who want to be led in life. This is about people who are trapped in a situation there seems to be no easy way out of. It's about people who find the Organisation is bogus and wonder if they can weather the storm that follows by losing those they dearly love that are a big part of their lives.

    As for the poster above you, I find it odd you thought there was no mature discussion about this. What was it lacking in your opinion?


  • bull01lay


    I find it odd you thought there was no mature discussion about this. What was it lacking in your opinion

    Matey - It's not lacking at all - with such an easily misconstrued title I was merely being 'tongue in cheek' ...

    It is very mature, and has lots of very grown up talk in it. You can be very proud of it!


  • Princess

    ROFL @ Shotgun...but not treading anywhere near that one...

  • Golf

    Gumby, yes, I agree with you about people being trapped in the org. How many wives are trapped in their marriage? They have no income, no place for shelter, to ashamed or embarrassed to go to family members for help. Take the case of abused wives who continually stay with their abusive husbands instead of doing something about it, why? Recently a professional football player was sent to prison for killing his wife, what a waste and shame! She tolerated her husband's bad behaviour and what did she get out of it?

    I was coming from a different angle on this subject. I've met people who would rather take whatever life has to offer them, instead of living in an abused state.

    I find nothing lacking with the poster because everyone is entitled to their views and expressions. Life like golf has many variables. It's sad and pitiful when people are trapped. The best I can offer them is encouragement and direct them to community assistance.


  • gumby
    gumby problem my friend, and thank you.

    Golf.....excellent comparison! Some realise they will be out in the cold should they leave the Organisation. In the womans case in your illustration, it's the financial burden that becomes the problem should she leave her abusive husband.....who she may not even love anymore.

    Those who leave the Organisation have a different battle however oftentimes......and that battle is dealing with emotional hurt and pain of being cutoff from those you love dearly.

    In both's a tough situation for sure.


  • itsallgoodnow
    True enough. The problem with JWs is that the Organization trains them not to have real love for anyone other than JW leaders. Remember that old JW saw about marriage bonds being a "threefold cord" between Jehovah, the man and the woman? In JW practice, "Jehovah" is nothing more than the Governing Body, so when a person quits the JWs, the JW mate often thinks that the marriage bonds are broken and can treat the intelligent mate any way he or she pleases.

    I recently heard they have changed the suggested marriage vows to include something along the lines of promising to remain faithful to the organization. Has anyone else heard this? Sorry to get off-subject.

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