If There Is No God, No Spiritual

by Satanus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    I copied this from michael goodspeed. I think it's interesting. I don't agree w everything he says. I'm not trying to push theism of any kind. I put this here for discussion. Although, the idea of nonexistence of love keeps poking me somewhere



    Uh...Whoops...Oh shit....
    What followed this minor indulgence of dark curiosity was a colossal mind-fuck straight out of a Twilight Zone episode. For an hour or a day, I felt like an astronaut expelled into the barren regions of space. The world turned into an alien environment, one as hostile as it was insane. I considered the hypothetical ramifications of God's non-existence, and I decided unequivocally that there is no word in King's English to describe the awfulness of this scenario.
    Never mind that "no God" would almost certainly mean "no soul," and therefore, the end of my body would be the end of my consciousness -- i.e., the extinguishing of everything in the Universe. I suppose one could cope with this travesty by holding out hope -- albeit quite flimsy -- that science might one day find the key to physical immortality. But I could NEVER cope with the fact that "no God" and "no soul" would ultimately mean the non-existence of love.
    Think of it. If you are nothing more than the sum of your physical parts, what you experience as "love" is just a series of chemical reactions in the brain, a totally inane and animalistic "biological imperative" necessary for the propagation of the species. A parent's love for his or her child would be of no greater integrity than an amoeba's instinct to reproduce asexually. I suppose this occurred through billions of years of evolution, as our spongy little gray matters somehow developed the concept of "love" as a defense against life's inherent meaninglessness, to prevent us from destroying one another.
    Of course, there is no REAL reason to love an animated sack of muck and water, which, let's face it, is what we are if the atheists are correct. We would only love each other out of brute NECESSITY. Oh, and also, it might be "pleasurable" for some people.
    Additionally, if there is no God, we can pretty much throw into the crapper the whole concept that "all men are created equal." How can a sack of muck (a human being) be intrinsically equal to another sack of muck? Atheists have no answer to this, other than to say that THINGS WORK BETTER when we think this way.
    And what of creative expression and other intangible beauties and joys of life -- music, art, literature, and all forms of subjective truth? These things also have no intrinsic value, but are just the inevitable by-products of highly evolved brains with the biological need to "entertain" themselves.
    Furthermore, if there is no God, then we are truly ALL ALONE on this flying speck of dust and water. No order, no meaning, and no help from anyone or anything. Instead, we are left with random chaos, animalistic instinct, and every man for his self. Shit happens, and only fools weep because of it.
    These torturous fictions repeated in my head for a seeming eternity. I never really bought into this irrational train of thought, but it did manage to put me in a black mood and ruin my day. Eventually, I sobered up, and these absurd ponderings retreated to the darkness from whence they came. And it became obvious to me why I wasted my time entertaining something I KNOW to be false.



  • frankiespeakin


    The essay makes numerous assumptions about what it would be like if there was no God. I will just list a couple:

    • Never mind that "no God" would almost certainly mean "no soul,"

    • the fact that "no God" and "no soul" would ultimately mean the non-existence of love.

    • if there is no God, we can pretty much throw into the crapper the whole concept that "all men are created equal."

    • if there is no God, then we are truly ALL ALONE on this flying speck of dust and water.

    I think all these asumptions are based on the biblical idea that man was created in God's image,,which is a very limiting concept of God, or that God has a personality like humans.

    What about if God were "pure consciousness" (what ever that is??) and he felt love for everything the equally or the same,,in other words,, this "pure consciousness" loved every grain of sand,,every atom,, as much as he love every man? Now I'm not saying God is pure consciousness,, I'm just giving an example of this person assumptions,,and the fact that he needs to think a lot more out of the box, of ready made human concepts (Biblical concepts).

    If by God we mean the very first cause,, we have to think of a "something" (or perhaps a "no-thing" would be more correct),,which is not bound by time or even inside of time and space. Something that doesn't have thoughts??

  • frankiespeakin

    Also what if the stars are a higher form of consciousness than us, and that the galaxies these form,, were made in the image of God?

    If that was the case,,then perhaps when a deathstar explodes and wipes out all carbon based life forms within the vicintity of a few hundred light years,,there could be great rejoicing because these carbon based forms are concider as practically nothings as literally drops from a bucket, or dust on the scales,,or perhaps viewed the same way we view bateria,,and so the exploding star means more stars will form,, and so a very happy time for the stars. Or perhaps the exploding of stars to form many new stars is just a bodily function comparable to our burping,,and all the galaxies does when that happens is to say to God,, excuse me out of politeness with not even a thought of the tremendeous loss of life that will come about from such explosions.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Frankie, are you suggesting that we all may be just a group of gut bugs, the flora and fauna of the intestines of an entity that might, one day, eat something that could cause an imbalance and, heaven forbid, diarrhea, that could wipe most of us out? Get out the cosmic yogurt.

  • logansrun

    Prozac, anyone?


  • Narkissos

    Or: if Santa Claus doesn't exist there is no Christmas...

  • frankiespeakin


    Frankie, are you suggesting that we all may be just a group of gut bugs, the flora and fauna of the intestines of an entity that might, one day, eat something that could cause an imbalance and, heaven forbid, diarrhea, that could wipe most of us out? Get out the cosmic yogurt.

    All I'm saying is these are possiblities,, that are equal to the possiblity that God made man in His image.

    Hey, BTW, I like your out of the box thinking.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think this essay highlights how we all think in a very prejudical fashion. Many who beleive in "God" have a tendancy to view man as the most important physical being God created. This too is a very big assumption, and is not far from the Biblical position of the earth as the center of the universe,,and man being created in God's image.

    If there is a "God" that has "feelings" about his creations maybe he views the earth as far more important than man,, perhaps even whales or ants may be higher on his list than we are.

  • Satanus

    I think it shows what a person might go through, going from a bible god believer to an atheist.


  • frankiespeakin


    Atheism, to me is another form of thought control just as much as Theism. Both groups are in a very limiting thought box. Agnostisisim leaves one freer.

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