If There Is No God, No Spiritual

by Satanus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    I think it is fake and sophistic. The author has not really moved his butt from his apologetical armchair to walk around in the godless world which he could find just out his doorstep. Had he really done that he would have realised that love, for instance, is everywhere -- without necessarily being something. No lover needs an ontology of love. Love is much more than God.

  • gumby

    Here's what I think. Who gives a shit if love is nothing more than some gray matter with electrical connections that give off a feeling that enables man to survive. It's real isn't it, it makes us feel good, it gives us assurance and comfort. Thats like saying a climax is really nothing more than skin that has nerve endings that send a signal to the brain and a reaction is felt......so it's really nothing.

    This guy assumes a loving god is connected to a soul, love, meaning, and purpose. He still thinks like a believer and is pissed like we are many times.

    I did wonder something though. He said he sobered up and realised he was thinking about things he really didn't believe. What was his point, as I didn't get it?

  • JamesThomas

    Of God and love the mind weaves a wicked web thick and sticky; to no avail it is setting traps for what it can not have or ever imagine.


  • Satanus


    What was his point

    His point was to mildly criticise views of god that are different than his. Here is a part just before what i pasted:

    I was inundated with dozens of emails in response to a philosophical piece I wrote entitled, "To Live Only For God." Most of the responses were positive, but some were challenging, and even hostile.

    A few respondents took me to task over my assertion that God is neither insane nor cruel. They essentially claimed that no one has any objective, empirical proof that God is good, or even that he exists. Indeed, they argued, God's insanity and/or non-existence might go a long way towards explaining the perpetual fuckery of the human race.
    Ordinarily, this brand of rhetoric has no sway over me. I know the arguments of atheists and materialists like the back of my own hand, and I've always found them amazingly shallow, illogical, and generally too absurd for words. The notion that life is an "accident," and human beings are collections of particles that somehow learned to think, feel, and love through the process of "evolution" has never inspired fear or doubt in me. But for the briefest of moments, the blackness of my thoughts pushed me into the abyss, and I pondered the question: WHAT IF THERE IS NO GOD?

    Here is a part that comes after what i pasted:

    But as I grew older, my experiences and revelations cemented into a thought system, and I could not think of Oneness without thinking of LOSS -- as in, what must I sacrifice in order to achieve union with God? Worldly desires? Personal ambitions? Material acquisitions? Romantic love? These are not things any human being would abdicate without a sense of bitterness.

    A God who would demand sacrifice is as frightening as the concept of God's non-existence. A God who would demand sacrifice might well be insane.
    My only solution to this terrible fear of loss is to remember the occasions I saw and embraced the Truth - that God only wants GOOD for all of his children. This was not a conclusion I came to conceptually. It was an inarguable fact, as I bathed in God's love like an electric baptism. And upon this experience, I knew that true Oneness with God does not entail sacrifice.
    In subsequent years, my intellect (a tool of the ego) has created phantoms and bogeymen to try to frighten me off my path. I can only live without fear of these imaginary monsters when I surrender to the light of God's love. In this infinite aurora, everything real is illuminated, and nothing unreal can hide.
    You can read the whole thing @ http://www.rense.com/general61/most.htm


  • gumby

    James Thomas.....I'm tellin ya dude....your sounding more like "master" in the kung-fu series every dang day........I'm gettin worried bout ya!

    Satanasius....thanks for the clarity ya bastard.

    I'll say this....I nhad that feeling once that there really might not be a god and we are as thisd man said. It felt ugly, scary, and plain horrible. I've never felt that feeling before. That feeling passed....even though I still feel that there is a posibility there is no loving creator with a plan. Why haven't I felt that feeling again?......I don't really know. I do know I'm not content with not knowing whether there was/is a creator.


  • gumby

    James Thomas.....I'm tellin ya dude....your sounding more like "master" in the kung-fu series every dang day........I'm gettin worried bout ya!

    Satanasius....thanks for the clarity ya bastard.

    I'll say this....I nhad that feeling once that there really might not be a god and we are as thisd man said. It felt ugly, scary, and plain horrible. I've never felt that feeling before. That feeling passed....even though I still feel that there is a posibility there is no loving creator with a plan. Why haven't I felt that feeling again?......I don't really know. I do know I'm not content with not knowing whether there was/is a creator.


  • frankiespeakin


    Thanks that makes it a little clearer with the additional paste.

    I tend to agree with this part:

    A God who would demand sacrifice is as frightening as the concept of God's non-existence. A God who would demand sacrifice might well be insane.

    Seem like a clear rejection of Jesus as the lamb of God. The need to offer a human sacrifice to apease God's anger,,seems to me an old fashion or ancient idea that still lingers in the minds of many as they feel the need to punish wrong doers to satisfy "justice" (insert God for justice). In other words someone got to pay for sins, and punishment is the price.

    I think some idea die very slowly, the ancients used to offer human sacrifice to gain favor with a god,,and the idea was still hanging on even in the 1st century,,with the invention of Jesus as a human sacrifice to God to make him feel better and not destroy those who beleived Jesus as the sacrificial lamb for our sins.

  • BrendaCloutier
    Agnosticism leaves one freer

    If you had said this a couple months ago, I would have though "no way". But just yesterday I defined myself as a Mystic Agnostic to a friend, and once I explained it to her she understood, because she and I share similar beliefs.

    I do believe there is a god. An entity that drives the universe(s). The ultimate source of power, and the maker of the universes' laws (mathmetics being the language, physics, magnetics, gravity, etc, being the unbreakable laws). I don't believe this god-entity gives a rats arse as to what happens to humans individually. Maybe not even collectively. It is beyond that. I don't think we can get any closer to understanding this god-entity than through science, and I believe this god-entity is so beyond our tiny brains' abilities to even begin to fathom. So I don't believe in the deism of god.

    As stated by others here, this would be an extremly unnerving concept to many people. It was to me, at first.

    I do believe in the entity-being Christians call Jesus, as the (divine?) mediator of humans. He has been on earth as a Human, at least once, and I believe more than once, to understand what our limitations are. I believe in the eternal soul, reincarnation, karma, different levels of enlightenment, and a scension.

    Now. The question I have been pondering lately about the soul is this:

    Today we have just over 6 billion people on this earth, more people than ever before in earths history. 6 billion souls, if you will. Today, there are probably more people alive than have ever lived and died.

    So, where have all the "new" souls come from? If there are more people alive today than have ever lived and died, then we are out of recycled souls, and have been for some time.

    This could be a real flaw in the concept of reincarnation. Or, as usual, I am too limited in my thinking.

    Any thoughts?

    I know, too much sugar (brummie dots) and iced tea.


  • Satanus


    where have all the "new" souls come from?

    There different ideas on this, as usual. One is that gawd is continuously budding off new souls like a mushroom releases spores, then lets them drift where they want. They aren't totally on their own though, as others who have gone before and advanced give guidance. In this view, only a small percentage of them incarnate. Most choose not to, exploring worlds on other levels.

    The second idea, which may fit into the above, is that souls themselves are able to split off a part/parts of themselves in order for those parts to incarnate. The original soul might be called a higher self. After death of the body, the new soul may stay as an individual, or rejoin the original soul, making it a composite personalty. This is all theoretical, of course.


  • gumby

    Brenda.....ya little sillyyou! Doncha know where new souls come from? They come from two old souls humpin and makin new little souls. These little souls grow up and and have sex with other little souls that have grown up and these souls have new little souls.....and it just goes on and on and on! I hope I cleared this up for ya.


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