America Bashing

by TR 130 Replies latest jw friends

  • crossroads

    TR----good topic--but I'm on the side of the table Seeker
    and Fodesa and Bigboi are. So one Question for you
    TR being you quote the man. Tell me please if the
    apostle to the U.S (JEFFERSON HIMSELF) was a live
    today don't you think he would be under constant
    survielance by ALL government agencies. I know you know
    because you quote him so often that he said" there should
    be a revolution EVERY 25 years or the citizens are not
    doing there job". I really don't think your conservitives
    would like him too much in fact he probably would be
    serving a lifetime sentence in a federal prison for
    treason. Unless of course he got in between some
    lone assasin's three different angle shots, or taken
    out in the lobby at a hotel when it looked like a legal
    peacful shift in government would take place.
    The Apostle Jefferson roles over in his grave every
    25 years looks out and laughs at us all.And TR "thats
    just the way it is"

  • BugEye


    Who do you think that you are fooling, in your past life, you chose to be an american without a penis for this life. So it is your fault that you are in the place and situation that you are in!!


    Brilliantly said Dana!!!

    Seeker and PathofThorns: I agree wholeheartedly!!

    If you want to be proud of something, be proud of your accomplishments or of the kind of person that you have become!!

    This world needs more people striving to be kind, gentle and loving along with a sincere caring for this beautiful planet that we are graced with.

    Of all things that are deserving of your love and pride, the country that you were born in or emmigrated to is not even on the list!


  • Bendrr

    High five, Slayer!
    Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither!
    When we lose the second ammendment, look for the rest of the constitution to go into the shredder very quickly.

    "Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!

  • TR

    Hi all,

    Just to clarify, I'm proud of the U.S. for stepping up to the plate when others need us. I'm proud of the U.S. for being able to kick some ass when we had to. I'm proud of the U.S. for allowing a diverse culture to exist here. I'm proud of the U.S. for the very reasons it was founded. Who comes running when some country is getting it's ass kicked and screams for help? Who sends billions of dollars to underdeveloped and third world countries?

    About Jefferson and revolution; there should be a revolution for all the dumb-ass things the democrats have done to this country. Maybe Bush's presidency is a quiet revolution. But, it looks as though he might be trying to placate the liberals in our government, I not sure.
    I agree with most of Bush's ideas and personal beliefs.

    I agree with the ideas that conservatism espouses. I don't agree with the permissiveness and lack of reponsiblility that the liberals condone. I agree that the government should help out individuals by not taxing the hell out of them so they can prosper and create wealth. I don't agree with national health care, I don't agree with teaching kids how to have "safe sex" in schools. Much more but gotta run for now.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • Seeker
    there should be a revolution for all the dumb-ass things the democrats have done to this country.

    I agree. Then there should be another revolution for all the dumb-ass things the republicans have done to this country.

    Quit thinking in terms of sides.

  • DannyBear


    Isn't taking sides, the whole idea of choosing a 'political party'?

    Don't we all choose side everyday, when you select friends to associate with? When you decide what movie to see? What employment you seek?

    We are all do this daily. Could it be that when you make this rather abrupt comment "quit choosing sides" it actually means, that you have not come to your own personal decision on this matter?

    I hope I have worded the above, so as not to offend. I ask only because, I happen to agree with TR's assesment. Iam a republican and very proud of the stands we take, on most of the issues. Yes I did take a side, but it was based on my personal idea's, background and views.


  • TR


    Quit thinking in terms of sides

    What, and be a moderate? I don't think so. The Republicans, for the most part, espouse the ideals I believe in. Having said that, I don't just vote party lines.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • TR

    Shit Lips Yadink said:

    My oh my, how forgetful Dirty Lip TR is. Just keep on as you are, DLTR, and you will be brought face to face with the truth one more time … by force of circumstances.

    That's nice. Fall back on the "SKYdaddy(thanks MD!)will kick my ass" routine.

    I'm now dealing with reality, ShitLips. Try it sometime, flake.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • TR


    I can't disagree with a thing you said. Good job. I agree especially with what you said about the religious right. That's one thing that irritates me. I'm no religious right-winger, but I am a conservative.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • seven006

    Some of you people just slay me. What in the hell is wrong with having a little pride about where you live? Having a little pride doesn't mean yours is the best and everybody else's sucks. I have done business with just about every country in the free world plus a few like Russia and China that are in the not so free world. And Iv yet to meet one person in all my dealings that wasn't proud of where they lived. You got this and we got that, what a silly argument. There isn't one of you that knows what real oppression is. You have nice little computers to write what ever you feel like writing and communicate with people from all over the world and your still not happy. You eat until your full and you hug your loved ones at night. You don't have to sniff glue to kill the pains in you bellies from not eating for a week and you don't have someone pointing a gun to your head telling you what to, or what not to think.

    There isn't one of you that doesn't have crime or crooked politicians living in your country. There is not one of you that lives in a country that doesn't have some kind of drug problem or has never been involved in some kind of violation of human rights weather it is within your own country or one you try and control. Iv heard arrogant Americans talk shit about the arrogant Brits' and the Brits talk shit about the arrogant French and the French do the same to the Germans and the Italians back and forth until they all look arrogant and stupid. The Japanese don't trust the Chinese and no one trusts the Taiwanese. The Australians are all descendants of criminals and the Russians are all crooks. Holy shit, what's next? My kid's preschool can kick the shit out of your kid's preschool?

    I can understand the "my religion is better than your religion" debate on this board, it's kind of the theme of the whole party here. Except for a few self appointed mouth peace's of god pretty much every one on this board are exJW's. I don't know about some of you but I'm damn proud to be one. I had the intelligence and reasoning power to realize the JW's were wrong and I left them. The rest of this stuff is just a lot of noise. Be proud of who you are and what you have been able to accomplish in your life. Cut they guy who hasn't quite figured it all out a little slack. Give the JW doom sayers who come here to start trouble what they deserve and maybe take a little time to learn about others that are from different countries and cultures. This whole planet is a pretty damn nice place to live but if you want to find fault and ugliness around every corner of it then that's exactly what you will find. It's what religion thrives on and uses that kind of thinking to keep the sheep in line. If you want to see the beauty in the world look out your own window and then ask one of your friends that may live on the other side of the planet about the beauty outside their window. You just might find out that beauty is beauty and ugliness is ugliness no matter what corner of the world you live in.

    For the first time in history you can sit down have your dinner and then pop on to your computer and communicate with someone half way around the world. And what you choose to do with that miracle of technology is up to each and every one of you. I just think you should feel pretty damn good about having the ability and the resources to do it with. While some little kid is laying in the muddy street starving and sick with no place to live and nobody even ten feet away that gives a shit about weather he lives or dies, you, me, and everyone that comes to this board has the pleasure to communicate and make friends with some very interesting people living in a totally different country than our own. What do some of you do with that incredible opportunity? You flick each other shit about where they live. I don't give a shit about their countries politics or weather they were voted the best place in the world to live. I love the fact that there are thousands of people that have experienced some of the trivial but important things that I have had to endure and share ideas and comfort on how they have been able to deal with it and get on with their lives. What we have is often forgotten because we spend so much time thinking about what we didn't have.

    Have a damn coke and a smile.


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