America Bashing

by TR 130 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cowboy

    I'd been working on a post for this one,but Dave pretty much said it.

    Well said Dave.


    You've got to stand for something-or you'll fall for anything

  • crossroads

    TR-----I'm very disappointed in you because you go
    in directly opposite directions in your posts please
    stay consistant ol' man.Lets see now "You are PROUD
    of the U.S. being able to kick some ass" Tell me please
    is this statement about foriegn or domestic policy.
    If it's foreign like I think you talking about. Jefferson
    and Cohorts did not allow for us to "KICK SOME
    OVERSEAS BUTT". As late as the 1940's America
    was a isolationist country like the forfathers wanted
    us to be so no "kicking butt on your conservative watch"
    Your proud that we go running when some country
    is getting it's ass kicked and screams for help.
    Thats a terrible statement way to many holes.
    First tell me what countries screams for the hollier
    than thou U. S. to help them. Most if not all scream
    for us to stay the hell out of there business.Also our
    conservitive constitution does not allow for our boys
    to fight in such wars our boys our not suppose to
    die over somebody else's land. Your a Jefferson fan
    look it up.Also sending our boys cost lots and lots
    and lots of money. But you are also proud that " we send BILLIONS of dollars to third world countries"
    Tell me TR how ya gonna cut taxes that way. Sounds
    like your pretty damn liberal to me. Are you saying
    spending TRILLIONS of dollars on things outside
    the country and not allowed for in the constitution
    thats CONSERVATIVE. But spending BILLIONS on
    U.S. citizens is liberal. If you are you must have went
    to school with JR too because you speak with fork
    tongue. Jefferson just laughs and laughs and laughs.
    Hey conservatives and taxes "read my lips now NO
    new taxes" pops forgot to add until I'm elected. Under
    Reagan we had our biggest tax increase's in histroy .
    TR come on make some sense out of what your posting.

  • Roamingfeline
    TR, I agree with some of what you say about America. You are free to criticize the government (though that could get you under government surveillance), and you are free to anonymously criticize the company you work for (though they can get a court order to find your identity and fire you), and you are free to peacefully protest in the streets (though that can get you arrested and held without trial for several days), and you can freely elect a President (though sometimes the other guy takes over anyway), and you can freely read what you want (though if you do it over the Web you will be monitored, and if you buy a book with a credit card it may be checked by the FBI if you pick the "wrong" type of of book), and you can associate with whomever you wish (but if you pick the wrong type of friends, you will be watched), and you can tell your political representatives what you want (but they might listen to the corporations that pay them to do the opposite), and you can freely email your dad (but it may be checked by the NSA to make sure you aren't doing something naughty).

    That's all very true, Seeker. But it's still better than any other kind of government I've lived under so far!


  • BugEye

    If you prefer America, why are you here?


  • Pathofthorns

    I don't think there is anything wrong with being proud of where you live. It is good to be proud of your home and your community. It is nice to like where you live.

    I just think this can be done with a measure of respect for other people who also enjoy where they live.

    One thing I always find funny, is when Americans always talk about their "forefathers" and their Bill of Rights (or whatever it's called). Lots of "free countries" have some sort of Charter of Rights and Freedoms (that is what it is called in Canada). But you never hear a Canadian going on about it, or our "forefathers" or how we kicked american ass in the 1800's (lol).

    It's like the rest of the free world understands that they are free and focuses their attention elsewhere. Americans talk about these things like they have a monopoly on it.

    And what's up with statements such as "God bless America"? Like, which God is that? And why should he just bless America? I think Americans are victims of heavy propaganda to make them feel good about having all sorts of young men all over the world in dangerous military occupations. These men are guarding "American interests" more so than "protecting the world". Propaganda just makes it easier to send young men to die.

    I'm not saying all Americans are messed up. I'm just saying that many of them seem to have an unusual perception of their place in the world. That they alone are "free" or are somehow responsible for our being "free" or that they have some God-given right to be the "savior" of all the "little countries" is just plain strange.

    Path (just trying to make sense of the American mentality)

  • reagan_oconnor
    when Americans always talk about their "forefathers" and their Bill of Rights (or whatever it's called). Lots of "free countries" have some sort of Charter of Rights and Freedoms (that is what it is called in Canada). But you never hear a Canadian going on about it, or our "forefathers"

    Someone better-schooled in American history please correct me if I am wrong here... Americans are the ones that made democracy work. Our "founding fathers" had the amazing vision to recognize that all other forms of government had failed in some sense or another, and strove to create a form of government that would make room for the most important thing of all: the ability to change.

    I can quote from our Bill of Rights, our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence. I say this because these three documents, which are the foundations of law and order in this country, are very important to me. They guarantee me the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" whether I earn it or not.

    I don't know why Canadians don't "go on about it." I'm not Canadian. All I know how to be is an American.

    what's up with statements such as "God bless America"? Like, which God is that? And why should he just bless America? I think Americans are victims of heavy propaganda to make them feel good about having all sorts of young men all over the world in dangerous military occupations. These men are guarding "American interests" more so than "protecting the world". Propaganda just makes it easier to send young men to die.

    "God Bless America" is a song, written by Irving Berlin (a Siberian immigrant) in 1918. He re-wrote it in 1938 (or'39) and it was originally broadcast on Armistice Day.

    God bless America, Land that I love.
    Stand beside her, and guide her,
    Thru the night with a light from above.

    From the mountains, to the prairies,
    To the oceans, white with foam-
    God bless America! My home sweet home.

    God bless America! My home sweet home.

    Those of us who are Christian may pray to God, asking Him to bless us in our daily lives -- our work, our families, our efforts to be good people. What's wrong with extending that to the country you live in? It's not "hey, bless us, but not Canada or Australia."

    Unfortunately, it's become a catchphrase for many politicians, who use it in an attempt to stir up patriotic emotions in our citizenry when it's an election year. That's too bad.

    I'm not saying all Americans are messed up.

    How magnanimous of you!!

    many of them seem to have an unusual perception of their place in the world. That they alone are "free" or are somehow responsible for our being "free

    I have a very good grasp on "my place in this world." It's not that Americans are the only ones who are free; I think perhaps we're just very proud of it and more vocal than others. That's all.

    <wishing I had my old copy of The Federalist Papers>

    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Seeker



    Isn't taking sides, the whole idea of choosing a 'political party'?

    Precisely why political parties are such a bad idea in the first place. Insted of deciding matters on their own merits, politicians choose sides.

    Could it be that when you make this rather abrupt comment "quit choosing sides" it actually means, that you have not come to your own personal decision on this matter?

    Not at all. On the contrary, it means I take the time to decide each matter on its own merit. Sometimes I agree with Republicans on a matter, sometimes with Democrats, sometimes with none. In each case, I make my own choice, not just choose a side.

  • Seeker



    Quit thinking in terms of sides

    What, and be a moderate? I don't think so.

    Nope, that's just choosing another side again. Life is not about labels.

    The Republicans, for the most part, espouse the ideals I believe in. Having said that, I don't just vote party lines.

    I'm relieved to hear it.

  • Prisca

    Hate to tell you this reagan, but it was actually Greece that was the founder of democracy, not the USA.

    A question to those who say their own country is the best :

    How many other countries have you visited? How many of them have you resided in? Have you really taken the time to study other cultures, or are you just assuming your country is the best?

    I'm not aiming these questions at just Americans, although this nationality is the topic of this thread.

    It's so easy to say that your country is the best, and to list many things you like about it. But such arguments are meaningless if you haven't allowed yourself to experience life/culture in other countries, and thus have a realistic viewpoint of both sides.

    It's no different to JWs arguing their religion is the Truth, when they know nothing about life outside their insular world.

  • Seeker


    Someone better-schooled in American history please correct me if I am wrong here... Americans are the ones that made democracy work.

    No, that would be the Greeks actually. Remember, 'the cradle of democracy'?

    And, since you did ask...we don't actually live in a democracy. We have a constitutionally limited republic, if you'll recall your Pledge of Allegiance.

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