My Son is Going Back to Iraq for his Second Tour
by Miata 48 Replies latest social current
Very nice ... I'm sorry for you LW -
[quote]"involuntary extension of time" when in fact it is just a draft. They are drafting them for more time.[/quote]
Again, I will express my symapthies to you and your son.
Unfortunately though, as I stated in another thread... I believe written by you as well. In his military contract, they can at any time extend his contract if they feel it is necessary. Not only that, but if your son was serving in active duty, he still has 2 years left AFTER his active duty time is over in which they can call him up and he HAS to go. It is called the inactive Reserve.
The military at the moment has implemented what is called a stop loss. They are basically activationg that 2 year inactive reserve period on all enlisted personel.
When your son originaly signed that contract, he agreed to those terms. He simply now has to comply with what he signed. Is it sad that he has to go back over-seas? Yes... it is regretable. Is it his duty and is he legally bound to do so? Yes.
As for Joyz and FBF, honestly now. LW simply posted an obvious point. The initial posts slams the govt and Bush for making these decisions. Should not her son also be held accountable for the decisions that he made, such as joining the military and signing on the dotted line without reading or perhaps understanding what all it entailed?
LW was not being attacking in any way shape or form. She expressed her sympathies and made a blunt but true comment.
This is an open forum for discussion after all. "To ensure all users feel safe and keen to participate".
I dont see where she violated that policy in the least. When a thread like this comes up, should we simply express condolances and hold our tounge? Some times people need a reality check.
Kansas District Overbeer -
When a thread like this comes up, should we simply express condolances and hold our tounge?
ummmm .... good taste and common decency would dictate yes.
biscious - so the original poster of a thread of this nature should be allowed to say absolutly anything they want all the while talking all sorts of negativity in regards to a person, organization, religion, or whatever their anger or hurt is directed at and we are to say nothing?
While it is regretable that her son has to go again, HE made the decision to sign the papers and join the military. Noone forced him to do so. HE needs to deal with the decision he made, the blame does not need to be shifted to anyone else.
Kansas District Overbeer -
so the original poster of a thread of this nature should be allowed to say absolutly anything they want all the while talking all sorts of negativity in regards to a person, organization, religion, or whatever their anger or hurt is directed at and we are to say nothing?
A mother is expressing grief and frustration at a situation which puts her son's life in peril. A situation which was not easily predicted given the norms of enlistment (regardless of the fine print). A situation which, unless you have a child at risk or LW has a child at risk, from what I can see none of the responders has first hand knowledge of. This isn't a theoretical situation. It is her reality and yes, I believe we should cut her a break.
Her comments of anger and frustration were aimed at the military and her personal situation. I believe she is entitled to vent and entitled to our empathy. Not sarcastic condescending remarks. Not scolding. and frankly, not even anyone's opposing argument unless they too have a child in similar circumstances.
This is so obvious that I'm amazed it needs explaining.
I served (U.S. Army), my best friend is going back to the desert on Monday for the 4th time. My father served 3 tours in Vietnam and I believe he did a stint in Korea. My grandfather served for over 30 years. I know of which I speak. Do you?
[quote] How in the hell can they make our boys go again after they make it home once already? And Bush says that there is not a draft but they have extended my son and all the troups time by calling it an "involuntary extension of time" when in fact it is just a draft. They are drafting them for more time. [/quote]
This is what my comments are being directed to.
How in the hell can they make our boys go again after they make it home once already?
Quite easy, they give them orders. In a moral standpoint? They soldier who has been been given such an order is to comply unless he can present a compelling and truthful case to his C.O., or if he so chooses, the AG. If neither is satisfied with his case, he is still required to go. Failure to do so will violate the USCMJ and he will be looking at prison time. He signed the contract, he has to go.
A situation which was not easily predicted given the norms of enlistment (regardless of the fine print).
Not true in the least. During basic training and every day after graduation, they pound it in your head that every day you put that uniform on, it can be your last day alive. You know full well of the possibility of being called into war, even having to stay there for over a year if need be. You may not expect it to be the reality that you may have to go more than once... but you sure as hell know that its a possibility.
And Bush says that there is not a draft but they have extended my son and all the troups time by calling it an "involuntary extension of time" when in fact it is just a draft. They are drafting them for more time.
I have already adressed that and I wont again.
I can understand her frustration, I can understand her venting it, but at the same time... the anger needs to be vented in the right direction. Its easy to blame something that cannot speak up for itself, something that cannot answer the question she has.
If she wants detailed answers as to why all this happened, I suggest she speak with either the C.O of the base, armory, or whereever he is stationed. If not the C.O, the Chaplain, or the AG are all good people to talk to who can provide real answers.
Kansas District Overbeer -
BTW, I am also re-enlisting after a medical discharge. I am making the decision to go back in, injured, knowing that I can be shipped out more than once.
Just in case someone felt like questioning why I was no longer serving.
Kansas District Overbeer -
My original point remains PRC - you do not have a son or daughter there (that you have indicated), so to make my opinion crystal clear ... I think you should STFU.
But then ... this is a Public Board therefore that is just my opinion and you are entitled to yours, no matter how insensitive I view it to be.
Carry on then, lecture away at Miata ... make sure to cover all the fine points as to why she should suck it up and get over her panic attacks and worry since the Contract signed makes them duty bound. I'm sure you'll win her over to your point of view real soon.
I'm not even gonna carry on with this anymore Biscious. I honestly respect your view. This is her second thread on the matter, in the first I even tried to help her son find ways of not going. But of course, you didnt see those.
I have seen many mothers cry, including my own because of the military. I wish her son a safe return home as I have said numerous times now.
I will leave it at that.
Kansas District Overbeer