Works for me. Agreed to disagree.
By the way, it is B-I-S-O-U-S.
by Miata 48 Replies latest social current
Works for me. Agreed to disagree.
By the way, it is B-I-S-O-U-S.
Miata: I am sorry that you are going through this. Have you joined any of the support groups for miliatry? Not that it is a cure-all but I know venting to people in the same situation does help. As you probably know I am on two boards for Marine Moms it helps to give and receive support from those that understand the situation. From me you have ((((((((((((HUzzzzzzzzzzz)))))))))))) and many good thoughts to see you through this time.
:ummmm .... good taste and common decency would dictate yes.
Yes it would have. What a rude, snide, and hateful comment; especially considering the reality. The dude has been there. How the hell would anyone know if war is a good "career choice" if they haven't been in it?
Wow... whiney. First of all, that's nice that you're thinking of your boy, but... he is grown up and able to make his own decisions. Unless he's crying to you, and you're relaying his concerns. Then that would just make him a prissy. Secondly, neither you nor Uncle Sam told him to sign up or what job to choose, hence there's nothing to cry about. Thirdly I'm the fellow making my *5th* time (correction PR) over to the ME, not to mention the plethora of TDY's I've had to fly into Baghdad, Balad and other airbases. You think I enjoy getting my arse shot off while coming in for a landing or taking off? Do you even realize how nerve wracking it is when you see a trail of smoke coming up from the ground and wondering if it's gonna be your arse? I love my job, but I don't really care for people taking pop shots at me. Does my mom have panic attacks? Oh, I'm almost sure she does and she hates it when I have to go over even for a short TDY instead of a longer deployment.
I'll tell you what I tell my mother. "Mom, I love you, but this is my job. Support me, do not criticize the President or what we're doing because that hurts our (my) morale. If you have to complain, I don't want to hear it."
Simply put... shut it and instead of whining like a 4 year old, maybe you should support your son... unless he's the one crying... then he's just a little priss.
Oohh look, we've inspired a li'l pussy troll to take time away from his video game and bless our board!
Obviously I've infuriated you enough to attract a response... apparantly your unwitty and unintelligent blurb shows your only way to rationalize with logic. Let's not forget that you're also quick to pre-cast an individual you've never met (ie video games? Sorry, I don't play them. I have a life, thank you very much).
...Sad. No, pathetic really. No need to further waste my time here.
I'm sure some of you will note that he and I have the same IP address. Rest assured, he is my roomate and not me posting on a different account.
Kansas District Overbeer
Joining the MILITARY means much more than a paycheck. The fact is, you are volunteering for warfare, infantry, killing, maiming, and swear an oath to follow the dictates of the COMMANDER IN CHEIF, whoever he or she may be.
Okay, I let thew first post go but I have to respond to this one. First of all, let me tell you something about my son. He was a straight A student who grew up with a poor mother. He had never even been in a fist fight when he joined up and while he was in boot camp, we went to war. He was heavily recruited by the recruiters and they used college tuition as the bait. Also a house for a dollar down. Now I agree that this was a mistake except that I am very proud of his bravery. But he was also feeling rebelious. What kid isnt rebelious. But I would venture to say that you are not a mother and if you are, a very callous one. But in any event, you arent any part of the people who are supportive to me so I will let your tasteless comments go and forget I ever read them.
I dont believe that I was asking a question per se but just venting like the others on this thread have said and I certainly DID NOT want to turn this into a battle. I was just crying out. EXCUSE THE F--K oOUT OF ME!!! Now, since I know how it will be received, I wont bother to post on here anymore. Support is SUPPORT! It is not the insensitive crap that Ive heard from Little Witch and Capone. The truth is that I opposed my son going in the first place but he was 18 and could do what he wanted. Hell, he was still a God-damned virgin for Christ's sake. But I was not asking for your opinions about the war or the military. I was asking for support. Get it? So you dont need to lecture me on the contract okay? Enough said!!