Jehovah Hates Foreskins!!!!!!!!!

by gumby 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    Oh Ya Flyin?......maybe you shoulda looked at your PM while you were sittin there waitin for 10 minutes, ya knucklehead!! Poopface! Boy are you gonna be embarrased in the mornin!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Oh Ya Flyin?......maybe you shoulda looked at your PM while you were sittin there waitin for 10 minutes, ya knucklehead!! Poopface! Boy are you gonna be embarrased in the mornin!


    Hey, there's a big O in my Inbox. If there was a 1 there I'd have dun checked it. You know, sometimes this site doesn't quite work right. I'll go check it now. Honestly, there's no 1 there.

  • Valis
    pretty soon it will be time for you to go count some

    if that were the only thing he was doing with them....


    District Overbeer

  • dh

    Hey everyone.....DH has got an anteater....nah, na na, na naaaah, nah!
    LOL, bastard

  • gumby

    23:1 He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

    Where the hells Narkisos when you need the guy? Leolaia....anyone????

    I guess your "privy" was your penis eh? God only wanted the red part cut off....but not the whole damn privy. Got it!


    *goes into the "drying the foreskin buisness" and makes potato chips outta the little bastards*

  • xenawarrior

    There was this guy in the Jewish faith called the "Mohel" who circumcised all the boys. But what they didn't know was that the mohel was saving all the foreskins. So one day the mohel goes to the leather shop and says: I've been saving all these foreskins for all these years, here they are. Can you make something out of them for me?" The leather worker told him to come back in a week and he'd have something for him.

    The Mohel returned a week later and the leather worker told him his charges: $500. The Mohel was taken aback but gave him the $500.

    The leather worker handed him a wallet. The Mohel was aghast! "I gave you all the foreskins I've collected all these years and $500 and all you give me is a wallet?!! The leather worker looked at him and said "Yes, but just rub it a little and it turns into a suitcase"

  • unclebruce

    Hey Gumby,

    Don't worry about (((hug'n))) Fly'nHighNow. I done it for ya

    Anything else I can do for ya?

    cheers, unc.

    Confusion say: He who spends too long contemplat'n his foreskin misses out on huggy wugs with pretty girl.

  • lisavegas420

    This thread is worthless without pictures....

  • GermanXJW

    31 After that God saw everything he had made and, look! [it was] very good.

    Hmm, seems God has changed his mind on foreskins after that.

  • unclebruce
    This thread is worthless without pictures....

    You Gotta Be joking Lizavegas420!!

    Tell ya a little story.

    One day I left a floppy disc at Uni. When I got it back and opened it up and it was chockablock full of pictures of foreskins .. big ones, little ones .. hundreds of the aweful ugly wrinkly things! What happened was that nurses also use our computer room and one of them copied them onto a floppy with my name on it (never left a floppy in the computer room since)

    It's kinda put me off nurses too! lol

    but, each to thier own .. unclebruce

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