You are right considering Jon Stewart never claimed to have any credibility ...........
Bush failure or stable Iraq?
by Spartacus 100 Replies latest social current
What is interesting about the facts is that in 10 of those 11 states more people voted against gay marriage than voted for Bush. And by huge numbers.
First of all, this is not a flame post. The states that you mentioned in your post Xena did in fact see a larger number of people vote for the marriage amendment than for George Bush because the issue did cross party lines (as is the case with most amendments). However, the overwhelming majority of people who did vote for the marriage amendments in each state were republican. The 2 million or so of the total 14.4 million who voted for the amendment in all 11 states represented 15% of the total number who voted for the amendment so it would be safe to say that about 80% of the people who did vote for amendment were republican. I think I'm playing it safe that about 5% of all the republicans in those states who voted for Bush voted against the amendment.
As for the state that had less votes than for George Bush...Xena, its Utah, mormon country..... what do you expect from a religion where 75% percent of the males are bisexual.
- Preston
I guess. I dunno. Depends on where you find your information. If you listen to Rush Limbuagh all day, you'll hear one side (and one side only), If you listen to NPR or Air America, you'll hear the other side.
If you really want a realistic perspective on US politics, the last place you will find it is in the US. Try the BBC, or Le Figaro, or La Corriere Della Serra, they tend to aim more toward the reporting of news rather than the fondling of corporate coffers. I have been a student of US foreign affairs since the late 60's but have always had much more respect for Cola adverts as they seem to be far better planned than American overseas policy.
Sorry, I thought the joke had a point.
If it had any point it was to make you smile. Seems like I If politicians serve any purpose it is surely to serve the cause of humor. President Bush is without doubt the most comical US President the past four decades, almost as daft as that Canadian crackpot Makenzie who claimed that his dog spoke to him and briefed him on matters of state. Bush may have got the doG back to front, but he seems to be cut from the same dense cloth.
Best regards - HS
Preston- I didn't see your post as flaming at all and I hope you didn't view mine that way either- just the facts as I find them. You are probably right in your estimates. What all of that tells me is that those in favor of gay marriage have some work to do with regard to educating the public to their cause. But that is a topic for another thread.
I do know I'm tired of hearing about this superior moral code those in power demand everbody accept as Gods will on earth . In a democracy the people determine what laws are in place by electing officials that support the popular ideals and not their own personal agenda . It just looks more and more like a monarchy when the government determines for the people what is acceptable and assumes more and more control over human behaviour and denies rights and freedoms that do not interfere with the republic and it's ability to perform it's function .
OK, I?m new here. But reading this thread gives me pause. I find it difficult to believe that there can be so many die-hard Bush supporters outside of a Mississippi asylum for the insane. Don?t you people read? Don?t you ever open your eyes to the insidious insanity of this administration?
Writing about the character of Bush Administration, Lewis Lapham said it succinctly in this month?s issue of Harper?s Magazine: "If we know nothing else about the government now returning to office in Washington, we know that it doesn?t hesitate to cheat and steal and lie. Its family values are those of the Corleone and Soprano families, and thus in line not only with the heartland values of the nineteenth-century American frontier but also with the predatory modus operandi of our twenty-first century business corporations; an administration capable of perpetrating the murderous fraud of Operation Iraqi Freedom almost certainly would count it as a loss of face if it couldn?t further serve God?s will by fixing a presidential election."
American democracy is being destroyed day by day by an administration that thinks it is above the rule of law. Immorally murdering over one hundred thousand Iraqis and over a thousand US soldiers behind smoke and mirrors. It is obvious they can dupe a large number of Americans with racist, religious and homophobic fear.
Know I do appreciate the knowledgeable voices in this thread who realize what a danger to the world and the American people Bush and his ilk are.
"It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance." ? Saint Jerome c. 342-420
I find it difficult to believe that there can be so many die-hard Bush supporters outside of a Mississippi asylum for the insane. Don?t you people read? Don?t you ever open your eyes to the insidious insanity of this administration?
Yeah we read, I think the headline read, "Bush Wins- in landslide". I'd refrain from insulting all of us that have been in Mississippi asylums! lol
Difficult as it may be to believe- it happened.. Bush won by yes.... a majority vote.
And since this is not Iraq (or a fundi-Islamic state) we don't get our guns out and take matters into our own hands- at least not yet anyway. I'm just glad I can still own a gun (at least for now).
You sound like people from the South I hear griping about the civil war, dude get over it! The south lost- it's long over....
Kerry lost- it's long over...
u/d (I still bet you don't know who I voted for.)
(I still bet you don't know who I voted for.)
Jude the Obscure?
Jude the Obscure?
I'm sure it wasn't Thomas Hardy. Maybe she voted for Benito Mussolini --Il Duce?