Today, while in a hardware store, I saw a guy that I know was a pedophile when I was a kid. Don't ask me how I know, but I know. He was in a check out stand next to mine when I saw him. I recognized him immediately, even after 30 years. My eyes burned into him, and he seemed to notice. I was wearing sunglasses, so I don't think he knew I was staring at him, but he did several double takes at me. My first thought after seeing him was to pull my sidearm and blow him away, but I vigorously resisted the thought. After all, I have a family to support, and my training and common sense told me it was a dangerous area to shoot in.
I followed him and his son, who I used to play with as a kid, to his car. I burned into my memory his license plate number, make and model of car. Now what do I do? I feel the need to follow up and see if he is known as a sex offender in my area. If not, how can I warn people?
First, I think I'll call the police and see if he's on some kind of list. If not, I'll be in a spot. How to warn people. I know what I know, even if he's never been found out and convicted.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke