It's quite obvious that you realize that you touched a nerve by bringing those whom I love dearly into this disgusting environment. And it’s easy to see that you are now merely capitalizing on it while you have the chance, because you want to needle me as a result of my being on the opposing side. Which proves that you are the RAT that I first referred to you as. The world of unbiased individuals that might be watching this low-life display of yours can see who the real villain is. They know that he goes by the screen name of teejay.
At the time that I invited you into my personal web site, and to view the picture of me with my two boys, I had no idea of the RAT that you would shortly prove to be. You have betrayed the trust which I had in you at the time we spoke earlier. You are every bit the RAT that now claim that you are, and that your friend Farkel is.
I see that you have never abandoned the tendency to lie and exaggerate. Furthermore, you wouldn't know a single thing about my past if I hadn't had the candor to reveal such details about myself. And as anyone can see, all that it accomplishes is that it furnishes the likes of you and Teejay something to exploit and twist to suit your own purposes.
I'll tell you the truth, Danny, as long as I have read your posts now -- and that includes the time I spent over on H20 -- I have yet to see anything from you that offers the slightest bit of hope for a distressed humanity. Not one single time have I ever observed such a thing out of you. Why is that? Apparently it's because you yourself haven't the slightest glimmer of hope. You are among the most miserable of mankind, and try to hide your eyes to the reality of it. All that you ever do is the same thing that you have always done ... ridicule JWs like you have. You could make a one-time copy of what you say and save yourself a lot of trouble by just reposting what you had said before, since you always say the same things anyway. You should even sound like a broken record to yourself by now.
Now, because I am a person of candor:
In order for you to have a more precise picture of my work life I will tell you even more about me. That way you can something additional to add to the repertoire of facts that you have already collected with regards to the person that aggravates the hell out of you (and we both know the true reason why). To begin with I no longer work as a postal employee, as you implied. I am retired, as of 7 years ago. I was presented a Service Award upon having successfully completed my career with the U.S. Postal Service. I’m quite proud of that piece of paper. This is what it said:
This certificate is awarded to XXXXXXXXXXX in grateful appreciation for dedicated service during an honorable career of 30 years service to the Government of the United States ... Given by THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE on this occasion of your retirement.
In addition to that cherished document, I have received Special Achievement Awards, of which I am also proud of. Why am I so proud of these? Because I earned them all the old fashioned way via of that which is spelled W-O-R-K.
So, I have plenty of credentials to dispel the phony that you make me out to be. What do you have, except the approval of a host of apostates who butter you up with their praises almost daily. You are a sick person, Dannybear. Having read the Bible 4 times and you still have no faith in it. You even doubt the existence of a Creator, if my memory hasn’t failed me on that point. Yes, you are indeed a sicko, Dannybear/Dannyboy, and I first suspected that early-on whenever I read your posts over on the old H20.
The answer is: Simply because I ABSOLUTELY love giving you bunch of apostates a dose of what you yourselves dish out. How are you enjoying it so far? Huh???