by TR 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf


    I'm going by the low life's house tomorrow to confirm it's him. Then I'm going straight to the State Patrol in person and get some answers, and get this ball rolling so that one way or another, either this perp's in jail, or everyone knows his name. Especially those in the neighborhood where he lives.

    Now you're thinking right!

    I wish this M.F. was dead so I didn't have to deal with this shit. But he's here, and I feel an obligation.

    Now, you're thinking is hampered by emotion. You've either judged the man as being worthy of death (which is not YOUR prerogative), or you wish that he wasn't alive (a disregard for the sacredness of life). Plus, if this entire sentence was to fall into the hands of the authorities it could be construed as meaning that the “obligation” you feel is associated with you're wishes that the person "was dead" ... not the best way for a person to express himself who has a permit to carry a weapon. Yes, I fully sympathize with your feelings about the low-life thing this jerk has done in the past ... something that YOU (and others) know that he's done, and may even still be doing. And, yes, there is even a likely possibility that he has purposefully located himself across the street from that school because he still has such tendencies.

    Well, I'm off to the perp's house now. Then to the State Patrol. I'm leaving the shootin' iron home so I won't get tempted again.

    Now you're mind is on the right track again. Perhaps justice will be realized. I think that the course you are pursuing is the one that I would likely follow.

  • Helen

    Tom I think its off the public records after so many years, go to the local Sherrif and ask to see the books..I did that a few yrs ago on someone that was hanging with one of my clients, all this is open to the public under the public information act..

  • sf

    Good morning TR ,

    It's good to see this course of action. I would be doing EXACTLY the same thing. I would very much like to speak with you in yahoo voicechat, if you are able.

    TR, do not forget to go to the schools principal as well; ASAP! If not directly to the schools SUPERINTENDANT. I have an elementary aged child and if I was aware of the POTENTIAL, haha, that school would not be able to keep me silent until ACTION WAS TAKEN.

    I will brainstorm too my friend and together, we WILL see to it that this man's community is made FULLY aware of his past pedophile CRIMES.

    Try not to lose sleep over this criminal. Just resign yourself to the course you've taken in exposing (pun, if you like...not intended however) his POTENTIAL TO DOING IT AGAIN, and look at yourSELF in the mirror and congratulate your efforts. You are already DOING more than most would have the courage to do. Not to mention the PREVENTION that will result for those innocent kids across his street.

    Now, relax. Get some sleep. You are not alone in this! Gain your energy back and....BALLS TO THE WALLS friend.
    Sincerely, sKally, steamin' mad at "dirt" klass

  • TR

    Dirtbag update:

    Evidently, this bag 'o dirt has not had any convictions, at least the level 2 or 3 kind. I stopped at the local police substation today, where they have books on level 2 and 3 offenders. He's not in those books.

    I drove by the address I found, and sure enough, it's him. I gave the volunteers at the substation his name and address, description, etc. They were very interested, but urged me to take no action(flyers leaflets, posters, etc) until I talk to police. I called the detective in charge of the sex crime unit, and left him a message. I'm waiting for his call as we speak.

    Anyone who wants to know his name and address, email me.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • TR


    enlighten me about Yahoo voicechat, if you would, please.


    Now, you're thinking is hampered by emotion. You've either judged the man as being worthy of death (which is not YOUR prerogative), or you wish that he wasn't alive (a disregard for the sacredness of life). Plus, if this entire sentence was to fall into the hands of the authorities it could be construed as meaning that the “obligation” you feel is associated with you're wishes that the person "was dead" ... not the best way for a person to express himself who has a permit to carry a weapon.

    I don't think my thinking is hampered by emotion. Wishing a pedophile dead is a far cry from a disregard of human life, IMHO. If the authorities saw that statement you quoted me on, then they would also see the rest of the comments in context and would determine that I'm trying to proceed legally. I have established a relationship with several law enforcement officers already, and I'm sure they wouldn't see me as some unbalanced character that's "packin". Several cops have stated opinions to me similar to mine and I to them, but I have no doubt that they'll uphold the law. They stated personal opinions, as I did, that's all.

    I'm glad you have some semblance of hope for me. I'm not going off the deep end here. Thanks.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • sf

    Yahoo Enlightenment, as follows...

    download the version best suited for your system

    install it


    log onto the internet


    click on "CHAT"

    click on "RELIGIONS/BELIEFS"

    click on "USER ROOMS"

    scroll the list of rooms until you see a room with a familiar title;
    such as "exjehovah'switnesses"

    click that rooms times, it will take yahoo a moment to bring up the room, due to high traffic and occasional glitches with yahoo...

    if the room doesnt appear, look on your bar below and see if it has the title of the room in a MINIMIZED window...if it on MAXIMIZE OR RESTORE

    once in the room, go up to the help menu and click on AUDIO WIZARD to set your mic and speakers...there is also a webcam feature


    Incidently, there is the same topic going on tonight and the "what-to-do's". But the ball buster on this one is that the guy is a registered sex offender, yet........(no, he is NOT a jw...he is a pedophile...registered. So you see, it IS everywhere and must be fought on all levels. For ALL children!!

    (can't go there right now in text)

    Sincerely, sKally

  • mommy

    This is not going to be easy for you now. Yuck! I am in complete agreement with them about not putting up flyers yet. The sooner this is over for you the better you will feel (((((hugs)))))

    Skally forgot to tell you to download the version at
    I am ...wendy_mommy... please add me as friend when you get it

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • TR

    Thanks, sf & wendy.

    I use Yahoo as my homepage, which I started some time ago. I go by lockman7.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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