Masturbation seems to be one of those grey areas (no pun intended) that constitute "frowned upon" behaviour but there is no explicit condemnation in terms of, If you do it, you have committed a serious sin that needs to be cleared up with the elders. However, there is still enough low-level indirect condemning that sensitive young people who have a "problem" in that area will probably feel really bad and even compelled to seek "help" from the elders. But, they may even end up feeling worse after talking to the elders.
OK, So I'm thinking about becoming a witness.
by MarkAnthony 87 Replies latest jw friends
a friend in need: If you want true information about Jehovah's Witnesses go to ...
If you want the truth from the Bible, don't ask "a friend in need":
If you want true information about Jehovah's Witnesses go to .... ...
Perhaps "A friend in need" is actually in need of a fair and unbiased mind instead of a closed and biased mind.
steve2! I'm shocked! Are you suggesting that afin needs to be "noble-minded"!!! Why, that's apostate thinking!
steve2! I'm shocked! Are you suggesting that afin needs to be "noble-minded"!!! Why, that's apostate thinking!
Well, I must admit that noble-minded is perhaps too loftier goal at this stage. I'd settle for less knee-jerk reactivity and perhaps just a simple capacity to answer people's questions without deviating into the alleged "motives" for questions. I guess I can dream, can't I?
Im just curious as to why this thread is still going?I scanned the responses for a reply from Mark A but didnt find any.If there is something I have missed by not reading all the post's then Im very sorry and woops on me.
ko38, I'm just keeping my word to a friend in need.
I think it took on a life of its own... It'd be nice to hear from MarkA again though.
I'm thinking about becoming a witness.
Make the most of the thought, after you have become one you wont be able to do any thinking at all.
Have fun