Getting out...terminating Bible study

by PClark 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    Engaging in even the shortest exchange will waste time as they are trained with an answer for everything.

    Open the door, hand back the books, say you don't want any further contact thankyou, and close the door.

    Anyone calling again you should simply say to put you down as a do not call, close the door.

    Refuse to answer any question on anything.

    They will get over it so quickly it will amaze you. Even after 4 years you are not really considered a true friend. Now you are just "Bird Food" and not worth worrying about.

    If you carry on the study, continue to doubt, and maybe get baptized, you will be disfellowshipped for doubting, and then they will have a great time treating you like manure every time they see you in town.


  • bebu

    I love NewLight2's suggestion: tell her that you have been reading apostate websites!! Give her the name and plant a seed whilst you boot her (gently) out the door. She'll know that her work is all doomed if you are now reading apostate sites.

    LOL @ Scully! Great picture!

    LOL @ jgnat! You sound like my mom! Very shrewd!


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Great idea you guys!!!

    Yes, tell this person of some information you've discovered about the WTBTS while going on the Internet and searching for the name Jehovah's Witness.

    Hit this person good with the UN, the child abuse issues. Send her to do research before coming back to talk to you. Or just to save you time, tell her that you found out these allegations were true and you no longer wish to be associated with that kind of organization.

    You'll have left and planted a seed in the process!


  • PClark

    I sincerely appreciate all the input. My intention, at this point, it to return the "propeganda" to the study leader along with some infomation I have gathered off the internet about silent lambs, the UN fiasco, and an explination of the "hova" according to true translation of original hebru text (meaning a great evil)...and walking away.

    If this happens to plant a seed of doubt, great; if not at least I will be done.

  • Joyzabel

    You sound settled in your decision and that is good.

    Wow, you've been hit with a lot lately.

    Now take care of yourself and your family.


  • Scully
    return the "propeganda" to the study leader

    I'd love to see a pile of negative Placements? on a Field Service Report?!!!

  • iiz2cool
    I'd love to see a pile of negative Placements? on a Field Service Report?!!!

    Nah, they'll just dump 'em in some laundromat so they can count the placements? a second time. They'll look like exemplary publishers?.


  • PClark


    what i have noticed, more than anything, is that the people on this site are hopefull to save others from the experience they had.

    again, thank you all.

  • Alwayshere

    PCLARK, I agree with Bikerchic, All you have to do is put a sign out saying "No Jehovah's Witnesses". If it doesn't and they keep bothering you tell them you will turn them in for harassment if they aren't going to resprect your sign.

  • kelly/pclard

    Since I cannot find "p's" login, i set up my own...than you all...Wednesday is THE day. After taking my oldest to the doctor in the morning I plan to call and arrange to "make the drop" thank you all for the support.

    Paul will, coincidently, be home tomorrow so I will have someone here backing me up just in case. thank you all

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