Bad news from my blood test :(

by Elsewhere 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    The best natural remedy for high Cholesterol is exercise. Are you following a plan, Elsewhere, you computer geek you? Or do you slouch in your ergonomic chair all day with your feet perched on the desk, and your keyboard in your lap? Admit it, sir. You are a 'puter 'potato.

    Exercise, that's the ticket. Get some two pound weights and put them by your monitor. Get out in the sunshine and walk around the block at lunch. Any exercise will help.

  • wednesday

    I had numbers worse than those 1 year go (my trig. were over 300). I tried changing my diet only and almost no improvement. I am unable to do any substainal exercise, so the doc put me first on zetia 10 mg and my chol. really went down and my trig. dropped a bit, but my bad and good chol would not budge. so now I'm on vytorin (combo of lipitor and zetia) and my numbers are good. I am having a check on them thursday and so we shalll see. And yes the A-1c goes hand in hand with a bad chol panel. I could not get my fasting glucose bellow 110 and my a-1c was a bit off. Now that i'm on vytorin, my fasting is 104 and the a-1c last time looked much better. I have to lay off sugar, most fats, and stricly limit junk food. I eat a lot f Salmon and chicken. I increased my salads, and switched to Stevia for sweetning. I have had to really make changes, b/c physicaly i'm unable to run or jog and at this time even walk any great distance.

    oh and Else, u will probably have to give up the booz, except for mybe a little red wine with super(which actually is supposed to be helpful)


  • heathen

    Well as long as they didn't get you for the pot smoking you are ok .............. *L*

  • Quotes

    Sorry to hear it.

    But be glad we live in a society technically advanced enough to be able to determine this. Why just 100 years ago, you would have never known, until it was too late. (Then again, they didn't have McDonald's french fries & Big Macs 100 years ago, so perhaps it all balances out).

    I wonder if they will have blood tests in the New System(tm)??? ;)


  • Valis

    dude get some leeches or do some blood letting...then go to emergency room and get some new shit..

  • Puternut


    This is not the way to get attention from the ladies.Just get off your lazy ass, quit eating those Big Mac Super Sized meals, and at least sweep the floor. You'd be surprized the workout you get from moving a broom.

    In no time your cholesterol will be like those funny numbers you posted.


  • drwtsn32

    If you need any motivation to cut back on fast food, rent the documentary called "Super Size Me." Simply unbelievable what happens to a guy's health when he eats nothing but McDonald's for 30 days straight.

  • Golf

    I'm glad to hear that it hasn't affected your sex life, at least you didn't say anything about it, so, it must mean your blood pressure is ok. (pun)


  • ozziepost


    see how they get your money, then proceed to tell you what's not "perfect"? It seems to me we live in a society (western society that is) that yearns to deny the obvious - our bodies wear out with use over the years. We try to stop it, we try to deny it, we spend loads of money on nips and tucks and all sorts of things but the reality is, our bodies will die.

    This week Mrs Ozzie has subjected herself to medical opinions and what happened? I spent loads of money on (short) doctors' consultations, X-rays, CT scans, ultra-sounds and so on. I'm tired just getting around to them all. And for what? To tell Mrs Ozzie the bleeding obvious - her bones are worn!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course they are!!! If it was an automobile we wouldn't be surprised but the human body? Oh, that's different!

    It also seems to me that there are some professions that operate to tell you what's wrong - if an accountant gives a piece of paper to an auditor, he'll check it! Submit yourself to some medical people and you'll get the same! They simply must, just to stay in business.

    OK this is a tirade from Ozzie but, you see, Elsewhere, I mean to encourage you to think that all things are relative in this life.

    Now go and enjoy yourself!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Gill

    Hey Elsewhere!

    You seem to have got a lot of good advice here so I won't add anymore except be good and do what the Doc tells you!

    Get well soon and hope your poor old foot is improving too.


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