What Annoys You???????
by minimus 111 Replies latest jw friends
Doubtfully Yours
Yeah, with their teeth all black/grey/green and rutted.
Absolutely disgusting!!!!!!!!
Northerners have mo' class.
what annoys me:
stupid people: I will explain
people who feel that their world is the only world. Not open to diffrent ways of thinking but saying they do. Not standing up for what is right. Havin a heart when maybe others don't.Blind to how it affects them.
then there is other drivers on the road! LOL
What really annoys me?
All the things you wonderful people have mentioned and more. What is the point of reaching perfction myself and then having to live in a world full of imperfect people. Did Imention , I used to be a JW but I think I am over it now?
really thin fashion models (their bodies look like preteen boys)
the people who decide the above is what women should look like
the spelling police
When groups of people block the whole freaking walkway
When people drive so close to the bike lane that you can just bearly get missed by their passenger side mirror.
When people break stuff off of electronics, and then claim it "Fell off" and yell at me because they dont feel they should have to pay to get it fixed because they have a warrenty that doesnt freaking cover abuse. -
People who don't put the seat down, or worse, who leave it down and have lousy aim.
For Pete's sake, guys. What's so difficult about this?
People who always say "I'm bored", Eggheads who overrate their intelligence and underestimate everyone else's, other drivers, head games, self-righteousness, football, unsolicited advice, the way old ladies all have the same hairdo, crybabies and clothing that is supposed to cool becuase it's got someone's name on it-DKNY,Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger.