What Annoys You???????

by minimus 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • under74

    ooooh kaykay just challenged G Money to a duel. kay kay, if you don't win I'll avenge you ...and all "ghetto people" everywhere.

    It's funny G Money would choose a name like G Money even though ghetto people annoy him...

  • holly
    Drunk Americans. Especially the guys under 21 who head north because the drinking age in Canada is 19.

    Never did understand that law in America. Cant drink alcholol until you are 21 but you can carry a gun?!

    Head to Britain and you can drink alcohol at 18, and its illegal to carry a gun. a good thing i think or i may have shot someone by now!!

  • HadEnuf

    When hubby falls asleep watching t.v. and I change the channel and then he wakes up and says now that I woke him up I have to tickle his feet so he can fall back asleep on the couch and he starts snoring so I can't hear what I chose to watch and then I just have to wake him up anyway so he can go to bed.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    TV Impressionists (I don't know why, they just annoy me and I have to leave the room when they are on. It's especially bad when they are on chat shows and they feel the need to answer questions in different voices. Arrrrgh, I want to shoot them!)

    People eating loudly, especially at the cinema

    People with eyes that are too close together

    Laugh tracks on sit-coms (I'll decide what's funny and not some editor with a twitchy finger on the laugh button. I find myself shouting at the TV 'that wasn't f***ing funny!' when the laugh track comes on after a lame gag)

    Jerry Bruckheimer films


    I'm off to take my cipramil now and calm down.

  • Jez

    People that patronize me.

    Rude people.

    People that think that being right is more important than respecting differences or compromising.

    People that view talking/discussing as a competition or a game to be won.

    People that belittle others rather than enlighten, encourage, support or respect.

    People that say something, but mean something else.

    People that 'gently' or 'carefully' or 'quietly' insult, demean, belittle etc, but then fall back on the manner in which they did it, "God your so sensitive, I was only kidding." Say it then you *****.....

    I guess, people generally annoy me.

    Socks on in bed.

    "Mom will clean it up" said without words, rather lazy actions.

    Being micromanaged, I must be in control.

  • minimus

    This is turning into such a funny thread.

  • G Money
    G Money

    A duel? Bring it on. I am alot of fun and have lived all over the world. I am actually for real. Even somebody from this board met me in Mexico when she was there and we partied (the girls kicked off early at 3 or 4 and i kep goin) so I'm not sittin in my 1 bedroom apartment spankin the monkey dreamin of travel and fun.

    You can be young and hip and part of the new urban generation without being ghetto you know. Its like being able to live in Arkansas without being white trash.

    Ok, we can duel, I'll be Stiffler and you be Bear! jajajaja


    Umm... I don't have to make anything up. Many live vicariously through me, truly so.

    I'm thinkin of going to Cambodia in November, you can pay the military there $50 to shoot real rocket powered missles and blow things up. A Welsh guy I met on my travels told me that. My other friends just got back from Vietnam.

  • kaykay_mp
    Never did understand that law in America. Cant drink alcholol until you are 21 but you can carry a gun?!

    In America, we say "old enough to die for your country but not old enough to drink." funny: when I joined the military I was almost 21. It really sucked being on lockdown knowing that I should have been drunk off my ass and passed out on a table. Knew I should have sneaked a booze flask in, because they gave us one drawer in our locker that we could put a padlock on, which meant that it would never get checked (it's the new army now).



  • kaykay_mp
    Ok, we can duel, I'll be Stiffler and you be Bear! jajajaja

    I'll show you my cameltoe and I'd bet you'd die on the spot.



  • minimus

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