What Annoys You???????

by minimus 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    One of my pet peeves is being behind a too slow driver. It "drives" me CRAZY!

    Me too!!

    I hate it when I go to feed the dog and her pitcher is empty (the food is in the garage, and we keep a pitcher by the back door full of food). I swear I am the only one who ever fills it.

    I hate it when I get up to go potty during the night and there is no TP on the roll. That just isn't right!!

    People who say "I don't mean to insult you" and then say something unbelievably insulting. So, what are they trying to do?

  • Maxine Mouse
    Maxine Mouse

    People who are talking hands free on a cell phone that insist on looking at you. At first you think they are talking to you and feel like a jerk when you realize they are on the phone.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    My roommate eats with his mouth open. He smacks his lips and tiny bits of food fly out. I HATE IT!!!!!!

  • Golf

    People who don't keep their word, people who demean/belittle others, that's just for starters.


  • lazyslob


  • TheEdge

    Mobile phone ringtones - remember when mobiles first came out? They sounded like phones. NOW they sound like anything BUT phones. And there are constant TV and magazine adverts for ringtones....

    ..oh and those people in supermarkets who are communicating on their mobile what is on the shelves...you know them, '''I'm by the frozen fish, they haven't got what's on yor list - how about a bit of haddock instead....?''

  • fairchild

    *People who are ALWAYS late.

    *When the phone, and not the alarm clock wakes me up. (Happens at least twice a week)

    *The cat, when she keeps going in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out.

    *Incompetence, when it is a result of laziness.

    *People who imitate my accent. It infuriates me.

    *What annoys me more than anything else....people who send their writings to me, asking me to edit for them, but they don't bother using a spell check, they make no efforts to deliver a polished work, because they know I will edit anyway, so why bother.. it is insulting.

    *Commercials in any shape or form. TV, newspaper, magazines, radio, pop-ups, spammers, etc..

    *Every once in a while, I manage to annoy myself, especially right after waking up in the morning.

  • LittleToe

    Very little annoys me

    If you succeed, look out!

  • minimus

    There are a lot of annoyed people here.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    People who chew tobacco and have a spit cup/can in their hand.

    Not only does it annoy me, but it also grosses me out terribly.

    I never saw that behavior up North in the New England area. But here in Southwest Florida it seems like it's a male requirement! It's such a disgusting habit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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