What Annoys You???????

by minimus 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    little kids with cell phones
    This is one that I will never be able to come to grips with!!!!

  • G Money
    G Money

    Slow Drivers
    Fat People
    Lazy People
    People that make excuses
    Drama queens
    Pet owners that let their animals pee / crap in your yard and turn their head like it isn't happenin
    Ghetto people
    White trash
    People that smell bad
    Hairy women (ya know razors and wax have been around for a while)
    Camel Toe
    Poor people that sit on their a$$es and bitch instead of gettin a job
    Homeless f***ers who lie around all day while I work
    Clueless hippies
    Corrupt policia pulling you over cuz they need money
    JWs say come to the meetings cuz the end is near
    Lazy government workers that think i should kiss their butt
    Girls that lie to try and reel you in
    Military officers that stop you saying it is a drug search but wanna steal your money [sticky fingers] (just gotta have beer to give out in that case)
    People that voted for Fox thinkin he'd actually do something
    People that let their cows and horses roam in the streets so you can nearly kill yourself drivin 100(kph) at night and then see it 5 seconds before you hit it.
    Unlit streets in the country with potholes oh and city streets with no lights and huge bumps and topes!
    Telcel and Movistar screwin with prepaid billing and ZERO customer service.
    Clueless and whatless screwin customers (aka Cable & Wireless)
    Cingular in the USA sux too

    I could go on and on and bitch about things i hate in the Carib, Mex and USA.

  • minimus

    "Democrats". Ha Ha.

  • Dustin

    People who make up stories to make their life sound great, even though you know it's bullshit.


  • BrendaCloutier
    self righteous JWs

    Self-righteous anybodies....

  • minimus

    Yeah...but JWs are worse.

  • seawolf

    People with cellphones in the movie theater - shut that damn thing off before I bury it in your popcorn

    people who don't wash their hands - I'll pass on your gracious offer of a handshake and fixing my food with your bare hands.

    people who pass me just to slam on the brakes and turn right - have fun missing your stop a***ole because I speed up now so you can't get in front of me. two can play this game.

    people who swear 10 times for every non-profane word they use - Swearing doesn't really bother me but for the love of God have a little class in how you speak, oh, and Jerry Springer is down the hall on the right. Let me know what your episode airs.

    people who tailgate me - Last week a guy in a *HUGE* jacked-up-in-the-air pickup was behind me so I hauled it to get out of his way and he shot by me. All of a sudden I see lights pop on and a car go spinning out of a parking lot and fishtail all over trying to speed up (road was wet) and sirens and lights turn on and he pulled him over. I haven't laughed that hard in years. 30mph over hmmmm looks like no drugs and beer for him this week 'cause money is going to be tight. His g/f was in the passenger seat. Karma's a bitch.

  • minimus

    People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.....like their ass or genitals is clean or somethin'.

  • kaykay_mp
    Camel Toe

    I've never seen a guy who didn't like looking at cameltoe; but, to each his own.

    Ghetto people

    I am deeply insulted by this, sir. I demand satisfaction. *slaps with glove*



  • seawolf

    too late min, I beat you on that by two minutes ;)

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