What Annoys You???????

by minimus 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • rwagoner


  • ohiocowboy

    People who knock on my door on Saturday mornings....

  • Valis

    especially when they LOL at me..

  • minimus

    Did someone say, "Hedonism"?

  • rwagoner

    We love Hedo II

  • Preston

    What annoys me?

    * People who say they will call you back but don't.

    * People who hijack a conversation with the intent that you never get a word in edgewise....and then say you're too quiet!

    * Talk radio annoys me....news television is worse.

    * Thomas Kinkade paintings bring out some of the most vilest emotions I possess...I feel like stealing his originals and drawing something that isnt a.) a creek b.) a house or 3.) a tree

    * Waiting in line at the post office

    * People who call each other in the theater during a movie...

  • kaykay_mp

    People who hunt and peck on a keyboard are ok, because they usually don't make much noise doing it. But there is this one instructor at my school who lets the whole world know that he can't type worth-a-f**k! His typing measures 6.6 on the Richter Scale because he really bears down on the keyboard. I swear to God I'll be three rooms away and still be annoyed by his infernal hunt-and-peck assault. It's so loud that it makes my teeth hurt.

    I feel like I want to walk up and start screaming in his ear: "OH, FOR CHRIST SAKE! TAKE A F**KING TYPING CLASS ALREADY!! AAAAAGGHHH!"



  • under74
    Thomas Kinkade paintings bring out some of the most vilest emotions I possess...I feel like stealing his originals and drawing something that isnt a.) a creek b.) a house or 3.) a tree

    LOL. That's hysterical Preston.
    I guess I was pretty annoyed with the guy.....especially because he always has something like John 3:16 written somewhere (like he's Stone Cold Austin of the WWF). But then I was like, he's pretty damn funny. All the paintings match most furniture, there is now a gated community in Vallejo, CA based on T. Kinkades artwork and I KNOW that because he attended Cal Arts during a very conceptual period that he knows EXACTLY what he's doing. He's a nut.

  • upside/down

    The Dubs...

  • minimus

    self righteous JWs

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