anyway, Gumby, I'm confused. If jacob took his 2 wives and all those other people across the stream, how could he be alone?
He prolly snuck out for a smoke away from the family and the lord attacked him or sumthin.
by gumby 36 Replies latest watchtower bible
anyway, Gumby, I'm confused. If jacob took his 2 wives and all those other people across the stream, how could he be alone?
He prolly snuck out for a smoke away from the family and the lord attacked him or sumthin.
do they serve cookies at this Sunday School? Brownies maybe?
And Kool-aid?... Oops, wrong bible study group. Where's my picture to color? Just because I'm late doesn't mean I shouldn't get to participate.
~Merry (thirsty, confused and not knowing what to do with my crayon)
No brownies and no cookies till someone gives a serious answer to this damn thread.....ya hear?!!
How can I go onto part two for next Sunday if you heathen creepo's won't say sumthin? Just wait till armageddon gets here and see who's funny!
<== Keeping schtum until he gets a cookie.
~taps foot~'s bout time you showed up.......where the hell you been? Every time you don't participate, my threads always die. Help me out here....will ya? What's your take on Jacob woopin Jehovers arse?
Same opinion I had about Jepthah.
Some poor geeza was walking about, late at night, and Jacob accosted him.
They struggled for a while, before the guy says "look, I need to get home to the missus, before she wakes up and realises I've been out on the town all night, and smells my alco-breath.". He smacks him in the hip, and Jacob goes down, with a nasty dislocation. However he STILL won't let go, so he mutters some stuff under his breath, and refuses to give his name to Jacob, in case he reports him to his wife.
A true story, of life on the wild side of Arabia...
Alternatively he dreamed about it all, and woke up with a dead leg - doncha hate it when that happens.
Double alternatively, spirit beings really can create corporeal bodies - I'll pass on that one
Lo, I say unto you: Jacob was sleepin off a real mean bender and had a nightmare (like some mere mortal could whup 'hovah...) that, under the circumstances, he took to be real. Plus, it bolstered his status in the community. "Jacob kicks jehovah's ass!" Can you imagine the wimmin he could get with a rep like that? Here is a snippet from a commentary that I used for the basis of my vision:
Gen 32:24-25
- There wrestled a man with him--This mysterious person is called an angel (Hos_12:4 ) and God ( Gen_32:28 , Gen_32:30 ; Hos_12:5 ); and the opinion that is most supported is that he was "the angel of the covenant," who, in a visible form, appeared to animate the mind and sympathize with the distress of his pious servant. It has been a subject of much discussion whether the incident described was an actual conflict or a visionary scene. Many think that as the narrative makes no mention in express terms either of sleep, or dream, or vision, it was a real transaction; while others, considering the bodily exhaustion of Jacob, his great mental anxiety, the kind of aid he supplicated, as well as the analogy of former manifestations with which he was favored--such as the ladder--have concluded that it was a vision.Jehovah couldn't take getting whipped so he made some poor angel take the fall for his defeat. It's good to be the boss.
OK, happy now? Amen I say unto you. So let it be written; so let it be done.
Gumby: if you happen to wrestle with some god(dess) or demon(ness) at night, beware for your "family jewels" (don't know if you'll get that French expression): they don't hesitate to punch below the belt...
Don't scare poor Gumby, like that. Last thing he heard, Succumbus was something his wife did!
Btw, the expression translates well