Allosaurus & Eve ...

by Taylor S. 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hooberus
  • jeanniebeanz
    I think they'd just say it wasn't mentioned because it wasn't relevant.

    Yep, Dave. This is what I was told as well. I was also told that the dinosaurs were just placed here to prepare the earth for human life. Kind of like putting goldfish in a tank first to prepare the biofilter so that when you put in the expensive tropicals later they have an easier time. Of course, most of the goldfish do not make it in the harsh new environment.

    It's kind of twisted but makes sense, urm...kinda...


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    Cool Jenniebeanz ... you're a tropical fish hobbyist also .... ME TOO (Pirahna)

    you're clearly as cool as your avatar .....

    And yeah, the Dino's were put here so they would die in mass, convert into all sorts of fossil fuels, so that modern man could drive SUV's and pollute the planet, and then start a global-warming domino effect right into Armageddon.

    I love it when a plan comes together.

  • Rabbit

    I have been to Glen Rose State Park in Texas many, many times. I have pictures of my kids sitting inside the Dinosaur tracks they are about 18" wide & 6" - 10" deep. There is one set of tracks which seem to be a smaller predator (think Raptor) tracking behind a larger quadro-ped plant-eater. You can even see the 'mark' left by the tail ! But, I have NEVER seen anything that resembled human tracks 'crossing or following' the Dino's in THAT park.

    Glen Rose is a real southern "churchy" town. There is some hand-painted signs all over that small town...advertising a Private Property "Museum of Creation" that purports to show man & dino walked the earth at the same time. I have never been to the "Private" place...down here it's not taken very seriously by most people.

    Geln Rose Park & town is about an hours drive SW of Ft.Worth, TX. It is a beautiful little town...lots of hills, trees, limestone rocks, cliffs and the Paluxy River usually runs very clear and shallow. It is a VERY popular place for Texans to cool off in the hot summer. It's in my backyard.


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    Rabbit ... thanks for that link ... if i'm ever down that way, I'd love to check it out.

    It does seem that all evidence of humans and dinos walking together has so fanatical creationist behind it.

  • brutusmaximus

    I remember many moons ago in primary school (elementary in the states) doing a dino project which was great fun. My Dad an elder at the time had no bother believing dinos walked about before man and were wiped out at the ice age. He said they were there to cultivate the earth until God was going to make people to put on it, I had no problem with that explanation.

    Long live Nessy!!


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    Yeah Brutus ...

    they were here to cultivate the earth for man ... which seems to be the conception of a lot of witnesses and others. though it seems strange to me that a BEING capable of creating a brontosaurus out of nothing ... would ever need any of his work 'cultivated'.

    but i'm just a lowly earthling, so what do I know?

    i guess that habit of 'suspending belief' is inherently part of faith.

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