Quotes by Thiele concerning Watchtower Chronology

by VM44 71 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • scholar

    Alan F

    I have proved that the claim that the Society misrepresented Thiele is bogus. Thiele made an honest and truthful statement which will forever haunt him. Ptolemy's Canon can now be properly appraised as an important contribution to our knowledge of astronomy but is of minimal value to the Bible chronolgist.

    You show your intellectual cowardice by not confronting the alleged author of that mischevious quote of Thiele, Raymond Franz because you are simply a follower of men not of God and have no love of truth.

    Do not worry I will be around to defend The True Religion and God's Organization from your demonic excrement.

    scholar emeritus

    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • City Fan
    City Fan
    demonic excrement

    Now that made me laugh!!!!!

  • GetBusyLiving

    :demonic excrement

    Man I wish I could change my user name..

    GBL (aka. demonic excrement)

  • toreador
    demonic excrement

    Didnt I read that once in a Watchtower?


  • AlanF

    scholar pretendus cum mentula flaccidus, you're even crazier than JCanon.

    : You show your intellectual cowardice by not confronting the alleged author of that mischevious quote of Thiele, Raymond Franz

    Why should I confront an old man with a lie he told while a braindead cult member 40-odd years ago? I already explained why it would be pointless.

    : because you are simply a follower of men not of God

    I don't follow men, and I don't believe in God. You do follow men -- the Governing Body -- and ignore God.

    : and have no love of truth.

    Really. I think that readers can easily discern who has love for the truth in these threads. And who is spewing "demonic excrement".

    You can't get other JWs to go along with you. You can't even get Rolf Furuli to go along with you!

    You are truly a scholar pretendus cum mentula flaccidus.


  • toreador
    scholar pretendus cum mentula flaccidus.

    Ok, what language is that and what does it mean?

  • confusedjw
    Thiele made an honest and truthful statement which will forever haunt him.

    Man are you desperate Scholar.

  • scholar

    Alan F

    If you are truly a man of truth and intellectual honesty you would have got to the bottom of the matter first before shooting off your big mouth by accusing the Society of misrepresentation. This accusation has been around for many years, so has Franz and your goodself. Yes Franz is now an old man but I am sure he is not senile and is very much occupoed with his research and studies so it is not too late for you to ask the big question: During the course of writing the article on Chronology, did I misrepresent Thiele's Note in regard to Ptolemy's Canon?


    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • AlanF

    toreador asked about the meaning of "scholar pretendus cum mentula flaccidus". It's a combination cracked English and Latin. I think that "scholar" and "pretendus" are obvious. "Cum" means "has turned into". "Mentula" really is Latin for "dickhead". "Flaccidus" is largely English with a Latin basis, and means "limp". I'm sure you can figure the rest out.


  • AlanF

    scholar pretendus cum mentula flaccidus said:

    : If you are truly a man of truth and intellectual honesty you would have got to the bottom of the matter first before shooting off your big mouth by accusing the Society of misrepresentation.

    That's exactly what I did, you stupid moron. Most anyone reading this thread from the beginning will see it, other than limp dickheads.

    : This accusation has been around for many years,

    That the Watchtower Society is a pathologically lying organization, sure!

    : so has Franz and your goodself.

    Indeed, if a few decades count for anything.

    : Yes Franz is now an old man but I am sure he is not senile and is very much occupoed with his research and studies so it is not too late for you to ask the big question: During the course of writing the article on Chronology, did I misrepresent Thiele's Note in regard to Ptolemy's Canon?

    Like I said, I don't need to ask about such a trivial question. Assuming he did write that material, he most certainly misrepresented Thiele's position. Not the specifics of the Note, mind you, but in the overall context of the Aid book's claim that Thiele supported the Watchtower Society's claim that Ptolemy's Canon is unreliable, Franz misrepresented Thiele's position by making him appear to support a position exactly opposite to his actual position. But remember that Franz at that time, like so many other JWs at all times, was so convinced that the Society's claims were right that they put aside normal standards of scholastic honesty. In simple terms, they lied about a lot of stuff to defend Watchtower claims., and they convinced themselves that they weren't lying because, whatever they were doing, they were doing it to defend "God's organization".

    So what's your point? That Franz lied when he was a braindead JW cult member? Much like you do today? That's not news to anyone on this forum.


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