Are some people REALLY better off in high-control groups?

by seattleniceguy 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • seattleniceguy

    Hey there, dost,

    Better that than languishing under the high control of the fear of man, the anxiety of desiring the favourable opinion of others and the other weapon which Satan has so deftly used - the tyranny of personal pride and stubbornness. .

    Man, that is a JW classic. Yeah, totally. All non-Witnesses are totally like that. Every single one of 'em. C'mon, man! Can you actually swallow that sweeping a generalization?

    In one group you see them happy, smiling and the members will reassure you that that they are indeed BETTER OFF being part of that group and that is the concensus within the group.

    Exactly. It's a high-control group that actually has a doctrine saying that they are "the happiest people on earth." Small wonder that that is the concensus in the group. It would be a pretty lame-ass "high-control group" if they couldn't at least muster a self-extolling concensus to support their ideology.


  • cindykp

    Growing up in a controlled borg, I think I was raised as a pretty good kid. So it did have some benefits! The problem is, you turn 18, know your parents cant control you anymore, and you go out into the world thinking its Party Time!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I did. I made up for all I missed out on as a kid in just one year! LOL


  • trevor

    Faced with the complexity of modern life and the responsibility of making decisions on moral or political issues, many people look for guidance. The Watchtower Society offers this totally. There is a certain feeling of security to be found in an organization that makes all decisions for its members. To be surrounded by people who think the same, share the same goals, hopes and activities, can remove much of the uncertainty in life that many find threatening. These straight mental corridors suit some people but to others they are too restrictive and become a prison.

    Some Witnesses join the movement thinking they have at last found the answer to all life?s questions, without realising the pressure that will be put on them once involved. Leaving is never easy, especially for those who joined because they felt the need for guidance and help with their lives. Others leave despite thinking they are abandoning ?the truth? because they cannot tolerate the regimentation and coercion. They can sometimes carry a feeling of guilt for the rest of their lives. Many try to forget about the idea of a God believing that they are simply not good enough.

  • JAVA

    dostprefer -- This remind me of a person with a ruptured appendix seeking help at a hospital. He arrives with all of the classic symptoms; lower right abdomen pain, elevated temp, nausea, etc. The staff does an exam, starts an IV, gets some xrays, and blood work. Sure enough, everything is pointing to a ruptured appendix, and stat surgery must be performed or he'll die. In order to help manage the pain, he is given a drug. Within a few seconds he feels no pain, and has a euphoric feeling that all is well--in fact, he never felt better. He feels better off with this high-control drug, but is he REALLY better off? In a way, AlanF addressed this a few posts back. Many high-control religious groups give a feeling of all is nearly perfect within the group, and when that wears off, their religion is the only true religion--the Truth. Some followers will stay with that drug rather than have surgery. Indeed, surgery is scary, and the drug makes one feel sooooo gooooood.

  • jaffacake

    Can anyone tell me why intelligent JWs who know the facts about the history of the organisation come on here to support or defend it. I understand why they stay in it, but do they REALLY believe it?? Can't get my head round this. Or is it just about arguments?

  • jgnat

    Explain the Flat Earth Society or Conspiracy Theorists. Some intelligent people waste more brain power maintaining the delusion than to face the truth.

    You have to admire the ingenuity that is required to keep such illusions going. Case in point, jez's elderly JW neighbour who believes that the winding down of the Awake publication is yet another sign of the "end".

    There are well-documented cases where cult members cling to a new delusion when a failed prediction happens. After investing their entire lives to a particular train of thought, to abandon that train is too devastating for some.

  • hillary_step


    Better that than languishing under the high control of the fear of man, the anxiety of desiring the favourable opinion of others and the other weapon which Satan has so deftly used - the tyranny of personal pride and stubbornness. .

    Man, that is a JW classic. Yeah, totally. All non-Witnesses are totally like that. Every single one of 'em. C'mon, man! Can you actually swallow that sweeping a generalization?

    I actually thought he was describing life as a JW. Anybody who does not recognize the machinery of guilt and fear in action on WTS adherents is living in cognitive denial. The WTS cannot function without fear of man and all that it entails. It is its very life blood.

    Now, getting back to your question. I am not sure if anyone has asked this as I have not read the whole thread, but what exactly do you mean by 'better off'? I suppose one can start with better off than being dead, which they JW's clearly are, and work backwards, but at what point is the definition in your question reached?

    Best regards - HS

  • seattleniceguy

    Hi HS,

    Yeah, I was thinking exactly that thing after I responded to dost. Without fear of man and guilt, the organization would run out of steam pretty fast.

    With regard to your question to me, you're right. I started to realize this about halfway through the thread, and I guess my personal conclusion is that life as a JW maybe comparitively better that what a few people have, although it is sad that the Witnesses keep people bound at such a low level of development. They raise people from rung 1 to rung 2 and then handcuff them there.


  • Aude_Sapere
    If it's Tuesday, it must be TMS/Service meeting.


    If it's Tuesday it must be BOOKSTUDY. BOOKSTUDY is on Tuesday.

    TMS/Service Meeting is on Thursday.


    Now that I got that straight, going back to my happy place.... Breathe in; Exhale Again.

    -Aude. (of the don't mess with my 'high-control-history' class)

  • JAVA

    "They raise people from rung 1 to rung 2 and then handcuff them there." GREAT illustration; I think it answers your question, and sums up the various posts on the topic.

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