under74: I'm with you! The guys here at work think it's entertaining to watch the beheading videos of those poor people who have been killed by terrorists. I guess there's a website dedicated to making those videos available. I was listening to talk radio one day and they played the sound clip of the first beheading right after it had happened and I was so sickened by it. I was not prepared for it and I was taken completely off guard. I had a good cry and I felt so bad having listened to it. I thought about my own child or husband going through such a horrific death and others gaining some sort of sick entertainment from watching or listening to it and I was truly hurt by the whole experience. I think it's awful!!!
Also, I have witnessed violence in real life. I have seen my neighbor take a flying leap head first off the 2nd floor onto the concrete below (in front of his entire family) and I have seen a dead man on the freeway in more than one piece. I have also seen one man bash another man's head into the bleachers multiple times over a softball game. It still pisses me off that people get a thrill from watching these types of things happen for pure entertainment and curiosity.